On Mon, 29 Jan 2001, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
> SK>  I installed freetype2-dev to get the freetype headers in the first
> SK>  place. I also noticed that in the command above we have
> SK>  "-I/usr/include/freetype2" while the include files for freetype are in
> SK>  "/usr/include/freetype" (notice the missing "2"). Making a symlink from
> SK>  freetype to freetype2 didn't help though.
> The Debian ``freetype2'' package is FreeType version 1.3 (go figure).
> So your symlink is incorrect.

Yes, it is somewhat unfortunate.  FreeType 1.3.1 (and 1.4) use
libttf.so.2, i.e., the major soname of "2", and that's where the "2" on
"freetype2" comes from. I should have renamed the package to "libttf2"

> For Xft, you really need FreeType version 2.  I don't know if it's
> packaged yet, but you may get the sources from www.freetype.org.  Or
> else you could try building without Xft.

        apt-get install libfreetype6 libfreetype6-dev

Enough confusion yet?  :-)

Debian maintainer of the FreeType packages.  :-)

Anthony Fok Tung-Ling                Civil and Environmental Engineering
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