As of this writing only i386 is available.  I'm working on powerpc and
sparc for v2.

Architecture porters should note that the MANIFEST file for your arch will
need updating (see debian/402-to-403-MANIFEST-change), as will the
*.{dirs,files,links}.$(ARCH) files in some cases.  *.files* are no longer
allowed to have anything but plain files in them.

The binary-arch and binary-indep rules are now idempotent.  (Together, they
still take about 5 minutes to run on an IDE-based P3/800.)  What this means
is that you can make changes on the "Debian side" of things without having
to rerun the install rule, let alone the build rule.

Otherwise, read the changelog and have fun!

 Format: 1.7
 Date: Sat,  7 Apr 2001 17:50:14 +0000
 Source: xfree86
 Binary: xserver-common xlibs-dev xfs xfree86-common xfonts-pex xlibmesa-dev xspecs 
xlibmesa3 xfonts-cyrillic xlibmesa3-dbg xserver-xfree86 xlibs-dbg libxaw6 libxaw7 
xterm xvfb xfonts-scalable xfonts-75dpi xlib6g proxymngr libxaw6-dev libdps1-dbg 
xlib6g-dev xfonts-base xutils libxaw7-dev xnest xlibs libxaw6-dbg lbxproxy libxaw7-dbg 
xbase-clients xprt xlibosmesa3 xlibosmesa-dev twm xfwp xlibosmesa3-dbg xfonts-100dpi 
xdm libdps-dev libdps1
 Architecture: source all i386
 Version: 4.0.3-0pre1v1
 Distribution: unstable
 Urgency: low
 Maintainer: Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Changed-By: Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  lbxproxy   - Low Bandwidth X (LBX) proxy server
  libdps-dev - Display PostScript (DPS) client library development files
  libdps1    - Display PostScript (DPS) client library
  libdps1-dbg - Display PostScript (DPS) client library (unstripped)
  libxaw6    - X Athena widget set library (version 6)
  libxaw6-dbg - X Athena widget set library (version 6) (unstripped)
  libxaw6-dev - X Athena widget set library development files (version 6)
  libxaw7    - X Athena widget set library
  libxaw7-dbg - X Athena widget set library (unstripped)
  libxaw7-dev - X Athena widget set library development files
  proxymngr  - X proxy services manager
  twm        - Tab window manager
  xbase-clients - miscellaneous X clients
  xdm        - X display manager
  xfonts-100dpi - 100 dpi fonts for X
  xfonts-75dpi - 75 dpi fonts for X
  xfonts-base - standard fonts for X
  xfonts-cyrillic - Cyrillic fonts for X
  xfonts-pex - fonts for minimal PEX support in X
  xfonts-scalable - scalable fonts for X
  xfree86-common - X Window System (XFree86) infrastructure
  xfs        - X font server
  xfwp       - X firewall proxy server
  xlib6g     - pseudopackage providing X libraries
  xlib6g-dev - pseudopackage providing X library development files
  xlibmesa-dev - XFree86 version of Mesa 3D graphics library development files
  xlibmesa3  - XFree86 version of Mesa 3D graphics library
  xlibmesa3-dbg - XFree86 version of Mesa 3D graphics library (unstripped)
  xlibosmesa-dev - Mesa/XFree86 offscreen rendering library development files
  xlibosmesa3 - Mesa/XFree86 offscreen rendering library
  xlibosmesa3-dbg - Mesa/XFree86 offscreen rendering library (unstripped)
  xlibs      - X Window System client libraries
  xlibs-dbg  - X Window System client libraries (unstripped)
  xlibs-dev  - X Window System client library development files
  xnest      - nested X server
  xprt       - X print server
  xserver-common - files and utilities common to all X servers
  xserver-xfree86 - the XFree86 X server
  xspecs     - X protocol, extension, and library technical specifications
  xterm      - X terminal emulator
  xutils     - XFree86 utility programs
  xvfb       - virtual framebuffer X server
 Closes: 74520 76214 77067 82328
  xfree86 (4.0.3-0pre1v1) unstable; urgency=low
    * new upstream version (including some post-4.0.3 fixes)
    * patch #002: remove specification of randomFile (Closes: #74520,#76214)
    * patch #100: moved to held-patches since I hand-hacked all the non-free
      stuff out of the Type1 font directory before generating the orig tarball
    * patch #501: moved to held-patches since the xf86sym.c file has changed a
      great deal and it is not immediately obvious to me what should be done for
      m68k.  Christian Steigies, please take a look at this.
    * patch #600: removed the patch to xf86sym.c; it looks like this has
      been applied upstream (Phil Blundell, you may want to confirm this)
    * patches #700,701: removed; applied upstream
    * patches #000,002,005,009,011,013,015: resynced with upstream
    * massive overhaul of all maintainer scripts
      - more canonical shell constructs in some places
      - complete audit of actions taken when the maintainer scripts are called
        with various arguments (see chapter 6 of the Debian Policy Manual)
      - greatly reduce amounts of duplicate code by using a placeholder for
        my "shell library"
      - removed a few bits of logic that were present just to handle broken
        upgrade scenarios between various pre-slink and pre-potato versions of
        the XFree86 packages (this faciliated the removal of some maintainer
        scripts entirely)
      - all user visible output goes to stderr
      - renamed all maintainer scripts to add the ".in" suffix
    * debian/*.{dirs,files,links}: get all non-plain-files out of .files
    * debian/control:
      - remove g++ from Build-Depends, since it's build-essential
      - get rid of libxaw-dev as a real package; create libxaw6-dev and
        libxaw7-dev instead
      - introduce -dbg versions of all shared library packages
      - update font package dependencies (except for xfonts-pex) to
        xutils (>> 4.0.3)
    * debian/copyright: updated for new upstream version
    * debian/local/xserver-wrapper.c: correct format/arg mismatch in an error
    * debian/rules:
      - updated "build" and "build-server" rules to generate actual maintainer
        scripts using the *.in files and
      - update all binary rules to use my own for/cp based shell construct
        instead of dh_movefiles; this has a few benefits:
        + no need to rerun the install rule with FORCE=1 just to regenerate the
          packages; this greatly speeds up the debug cycle for changes that
          don't involve the upstream sources -- now you just run the binary rule
        + using cp is far faster than tar'ing and rm'ing
        + using cp permits the same file to be shipped in multiple packages
      - added some logic before dh_link (which is not idempotent) to make the
        binary rules idempotent
    * debian/ "library" of shell functions that get used a lot in
      the packages' maintainer scripts
    * debian/
      - adopted most of Arthur Korn's suggestions for menu entry revisions
        (Closes: #82328)
      - adopted Bob Hilliard's suggestion that the digital xclock menu entry
        should pass "-update 1" to the client (Closes: #77067)
    * debian/ ship new "Versions" document
  6054d9200b0cc7aa565ed8351e1d7351 1047 x11 optional xfree86_4.0.3-0pre1v1.dsc
  88a3e609e8feb6588815a8416002b45c 1098395 x11 optional xfree86_4.0.3-0pre1v1.diff.gz
  0c98a44214a1c1737b09ca23ae776290 136576 x11 optional lbxproxy_4.0.3-0pre1v1_i386.deb
  309da834dfb28014a9d9062f286f273c 174012 libs optional libdps1_4.0.3-0pre1v1_i386.deb
  61c03fd042a5cb5f616b03ed87f60eb7 414446 libs optional 
  98c3d9d907055c67d9628e166c8326fd 234950 devel optional 
  e28fa212ce47b23bb847a923eeb027b7 171460 libs optional libxaw6_4.0.3-0pre1v1_i386.deb
  20011d46d1acaff5b790b4c85d9cd35c 339364 libs optional 
  efe1e21cc89cd2612c8839e898ffeb8e 296918 devel optional 
  62adddf0849542b046d35fd581392b54 218510 libs optional libxaw7_4.0.3-0pre1v1_i386.deb
  bb6054d7e7b35d8bb71a247e24cb7d06 439738 libs optional 
  ff441c9d6b945332995a2a43e14f9f41 296794 devel optional 
  5ca5cb361e1b9a104522226093ed1bfe 80370 x11 optional proxymngr_4.0.3-0pre1v1_i386.deb
  908a5180684f3052dc9a84e7d30cf726 155530 x11 optional twm_4.0.3-0pre1v1_i386.deb
  f9401f720e56a7b62b0b29cbd2f31eb5 1457418 x11 optional 
  65f246ec54069ae5a180aa56d11d65b3 161292 x11 optional xdm_4.0.3-0pre1v1_i386.deb
  d116973883b55f20a42497d0e9adbd36 280002 x11 optional xfs_4.0.3-0pre1v1_i386.deb
  7aff01c0665bd9720f90c000d86a2510 85540 x11 optional xfwp_4.0.3-0pre1v1_i386.deb
  11d6f67d1449544d7949b4f771bc2371 3097936 libs optional 
  760daadf2410bfe72011cbc1e83ac0f1 613144 libs optional 
  e2bab5d3eeb679ac7855c27e0e207ed9 373556 devel optional 
  6824186347adc7ab79481a8ea71ef4d6 468844 libs optional 
  2542300e98007c64242d3b138b2a4492 952672 libs optional 
  f36d31dda430289e5e2dd596d13dec59 67538 devel optional 
  ff808c0b814059a8d8335622e97573b8 1170376 libs optional xlibs_4.0.3-0pre1v1_i386.deb
  d9987eb6c84e47d73b04f645d05ea389 2328136 libs optional 
  8fd97bf760f92310e46b5f0a8d5a1472 2882454 devel optional 
  7bca19c84a6af6bf56319f06d4ed7bd0 1380616 x11 optional xnest_4.0.3-0pre1v1_i386.deb
  7f9c01fa9453985e5e5b3e473aba2c70 1125510 x11 optional xprt_4.0.3-0pre1v1_i386.deb
  34b00d04d5d0848a47999c36e3211811 203322 x11 optional 
  22f6e2a280a60561110370633402825b 4020110 x11 optional 
  f8d1d9d8decc6e0bba026cd8ef84a6df 467560 x11 optional xterm_4.0.3-0pre1v1_i386.deb
  0445ed0d9bbf7af81fc6aad57816c6f6 432286 x11 optional xutils_4.0.3-0pre1v1_i386.deb
  f9bde5b94d6604a03970116d0c0d75ff 1491750 x11 optional xvfb_4.0.3-0pre1v1_i386.deb
  7aacd37a83ed5ca3219740679347dd11 2186074 x11 optional 
  1db271b4ce0f20c8c6640e7803ddca59 1919904 x11 optional 
  fc5a2f70774274bd4311b52f6642b1b7 5936624 x11 optional 
  f2c0bbf89d7ac76b554e141542a6f593 436772 x11 optional 
  b754bf3212f369cdceee78624fca2265 73780 x11 optional xfonts-pex_4.0.3-0pre1v1_all.deb
  bc2f63f0b31e90223c0ffdca250007bc 802452 x11 optional 
  2b9673bd74eb553f0fb41362c1bd1785 486530 x11 optional 
  4affba633a75d46d70315bf89807e834 3800428 x11 optional xspecs_4.0.3-0pre1v1_all.deb
  4e837a81264ec0685202cbac7948b548 64724 libs optional xlib6g_4.0.3-0pre1v1_all.deb
  e1613b9e3b8fe5dc23c8853979d01960 64772 devel optional 

G. Branden Robinson            |       One man's "magic" is another man's
Debian GNU/Linux               |       engineering.  "Supernatural" is a
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          |       null word. |       -- Robert Heinlein

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