Just put my spiffy new Radeon in my machine, downloaded 4.1.0-0pre1v1.3
to try and get 3D accel working. I just now recompiled 2.4.5 with ATI
Radeon support. Well, no luck, still looks like software-rendering.
So, naturally, the logs:

(EE) RADEON(0): [dri] RADEONDRIScreenInit failed because of a version mismatch.
[dri] radeon.o kernel module version is 1.0.0 but version 1.1.x is needed.
[dri] Disabling DRI.

This is interesting... I'll go look for a newer radeon.o kernel module
later tonight.

Well, just some feedback. (If someone reads this and knows off the top
of his head where I should go look... - newer kernel? Likely just a
patch somewhere... - feel free to let me know. But I'm sure I'll find

Thanks a lot,
Hugo van der Merwe

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