New version.  Should fix #135443 properly.

<crass bribe>The sooner I can put this release to bed, the sooner I can work on
4.2.0.</crass bribe>

Experimental versions of the X packages are available at my repository.

Please test these so that 4.1.0-15 can be a solid release, worthy of the
woody release.  Please direct feedback to the debian-x list.

# add this line to your /etc/apt/sources.list to use this repository
deb woody/$(ARCH)/

# add this line to your /etc/apt/sources.list to use this source repository
deb-src woody/source/

Format: 1.7
Date: Sat,  9 Mar 2002 15:12:58 -0500
Source: xfree86
Binary: xserver-common xlibs-dev xfs xfree86-common xfonts-pex x-window-system 
xlibmesa-dev xspecs xlibmesa3 xfonts-cyrillic xlibmesa3-dbg xserver-xfree86 xlibs-dbg 
libxaw6 libxaw7 xterm xvfb xfonts-scalable xfonts-75dpi xlib6g proxymngr libxaw6-dev 
xlibs-pic libdps1-dbg xlib6g-dev xfonts-base xutils libxaw7-dev xnest xlibs 
libxaw6-dbg xmh lbxproxy libxaw7-dbg xfonts-base-transcoded xbase-clients xprt 
xlibosmesa3 x-window-system-core xlibosmesa-dev twm xfwp xfonts-100dpi-transcoded 
xlibosmesa3-dbg xfonts-100dpi xdm libdps-dev xfonts-75dpi-transcoded libdps1
Architecture: source all i386
Version: 4.1.0-14pre15v2
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: high
Maintainer: Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Changed-By: Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 lbxproxy   - Low Bandwidth X (LBX) proxy server
 libdps-dev - Display PostScript (DPS) client library development files
 libdps1    - Display PostScript (DPS) client library
 libdps1-dbg - Display PostScript (DPS) client library (unstripped)
 libxaw6    - X Athena widget set library (version 6)
 libxaw6-dbg - X Athena widget set library (version 6) (unstripped)
 libxaw6-dev - X Athena widget set library development files (version 6)
 libxaw7    - X Athena widget set library
 libxaw7-dbg - X Athena widget set library (unstripped)
 libxaw7-dev - X Athena widget set library development files
 proxymngr  - X proxy services manager
 twm        - Tab window manager
 x-window-system - X Window System
 x-window-system-core - X Window System core components
 xbase-clients - miscellaneous X clients
 xdm        - X display manager
 xfonts-100dpi - 100 dpi fonts for X
 xfonts-100dpi-transcoded - 100 dpi fonts for X (transcoded from ISO 10646-1)
 xfonts-75dpi - 75 dpi fonts for X
 xfonts-75dpi-transcoded - 75 dpi fonts for X (transcoded from ISO 10646-1)
 xfonts-base - standard fonts for X
 xfonts-base-transcoded - standard fonts for X (transcoded from ISO 10646-1)
 xfonts-cyrillic - Cyrillic fonts for X
 xfonts-pex - fonts for minimal PEX support in X
 xfonts-scalable - scalable fonts for X
 xfree86-common - X Window System (XFree86) infrastructure
 xfs        - X font server
 xfwp       - X firewall proxy server
 xlib6g     - pseudopackage providing X libraries
 xlib6g-dev - pseudopackage providing X library development files
 xlibmesa-dev - XFree86 version of Mesa 3D graphics library development files
 xlibmesa3  - XFree86 version of Mesa 3D graphics library
 xlibmesa3-dbg - XFree86 version of Mesa 3D graphics library (unstripped)
 xlibosmesa-dev - Mesa/XFree86 off-screen rendering library development files
 xlibosmesa3 - Mesa/XFree86 off-screen rendering library
 xlibosmesa3-dbg - Mesa/XFree86 off-screen rendering library (unstripped)
 xlibs      - X Window System client libraries
 xlibs-dbg  - X Window System client libraries (unstripped)
 xlibs-dev  - X Window System client library development files
 xlibs-pic  - X Window System client extension library PIC archives
 xmh        - X interface to the MH mail system
 xnest      - nested X server
 xprt       - X print server
 xserver-common - files and utilities common to all X servers
 xserver-xfree86 - the XFree86 X server
 xspecs     - X protocol, extension, and library technical specifications
 xterm      - X terminal emulator
 xutils     - X Window System utility programs
 xvfb       - virtual framebuffer X server
Closes: 127749 131251 131291 131611 133791 134947 135443 135908 135915 135966 136438 
 xfree86 (4.1.0-14pre15v2) unstable; urgency=high
   * patch #000_stolen_from_HEAD:
     - Alan Hourihane's fix for calculation of DPI when Xinerama is in use
       (Closes: #127749)
     - SECURITY: Don't abuse the priviledges of the X server to access shared
       memory segements in MIT-SHM (Roberto Zunino, Matthieu Herrb).
     - fix erroneous variable reference that could cause Xft to be disabled
       when LD_BIND_NOW is used, causing stack poisoning (Keith Packard, Kevin
       Puetz) (Thanks, Kevin!) (Closes: #137145)
   * patch #064: fix in fbdev driver; fbdev wasn't telling shadow layer when
     there was no framebuffer available (i.e., when switched away to a
     different VT)
   * debian/MANIFEST.s390: don't mention configlet here since this architecture
     doesn't ship anything having to do with the X server (thanks, Gerhard
   * debian/control:
     - xlibs Conflicts: xcontrib (<< 4.0) and xsm (<< 4.0); this should help
       apt figure out some upgrade paths
     - xvfb Suggests: xbase-clients (Closes: #134947)
     - x-window-system-core Depends: ${F:XWSC-Special-Depends} instead of
       "xserver-xfree86" (see below, should make this package installable on
   * debian/local/dexconf: give users more information in comment block of
     written X server configuration files (Closes: #136438)
   * debian/local/Xsession.d/50xfree86-common_determine-startup: correct and
     quote a variable reference to prevent unintended reads from standard input
     (thanks, Robert Bihlmeyer) (Closes: #131291)
   * debian/local/Xwrapper.config: correct range of permitted nice values
   * debian/local/xvfb-run{,.1}: xvfb-run checks for existence of xauth, and
     exits with an error message if it cannot be found (thanks, David Schleef)
   * debian/rules: define special substvar F:XWSC-Special-Depends to take care
     of the fact that s390 doesn't build xserver-xfree86, and still keep the
     x-window-system-core metapackage useful
   * debian/scripts/vars.*: define XWSC_SPECIAL_DEPENDS for all architectures
     except s390
   * debian/shlibs.local: resynced with xlibmesa3.shlibs (see below)
   * debian/ remove obsolete xconsole alternative if
     it exists (Closes: #131251)
   * debian/{xdm,xserver-common,xserver-xfree86} added Catalan
     translations (thanks, Ivan Vilata i Balaguer) (Closes: #133791)
   * debian/ added French translation (thanks, Jean-Christophe
   * debian/ added Italian translation (thanks, Matteo
     Dell'Amico) (Closes: #135915)
   * debian/xlibmesa3.shlibs: "libgl1" to "xlibmesa3 | libgl1" so that packages
     using this library don't get a pure virtual dependency in their control
     data (Closes: #135443)
   * debian/ if /etc/X11/Xserver exists, echo a note
     it being obsolete, and move it (thanks, Joey Hess)
   * debian/ added Danish translation (thanks,
     Dennis Haney) (Closes: #131611)
   * debian/ updated French translation (thanks,
     Jean-Christophe Dubacq)
   * debian/ added Italian translation (thanks,
     Matteo Dell'Amico) (Closes: #135908)
   * debian/xserver-xfree86.config:
     - big-time changes, mostly to support DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
     - documented proper syntax for the shell functions used
     - changed syntax of exiting validate_* functions so that question priority
       is supplied as an argument, and updated all function invocations to
       correspond to this
     - new functions; validate_bus_id_db_input(),
       validate_monitor_frequency_db_input(), and auto_answer(); use these
       functions when getting bus ID's and monitor data, instead of inlining
       the code
     - collect information about installed video cards in one pass at beginning
       of script, and set NSERVERS, NDRIVERS, NCARDS, and MULTIHEAD accordingly
     - MULTIHEAD is now set if NCARDS is greater than one, not NSERVERS
     - updated and added some debugging messages
     - migrated debconf questions that *MUST* have answers, and do not have
       "safe" defaults, to use auto_answer() instead, note that if you do not
       pre-answer these questions and configure this package with the
       noninteractive frontend, the X server is NOT guaranteed to be configured
       in a sane way
     - specify MAY_BE_NULL variable on the same line as the call to
       validate_string_db_input, always
     - handle case where mdetect returns no output at all; also, break out of
       autodetection loop after one iteration if the autodetection question is
       not being aksed
     - don't do string compares on $?
   * debian/ updated French translation (thanks,
     Jean-Christophe Dubacq)
   * debian/ added Italian translation (thanks,
     Matteo Dell'Amico) (Closes: #135966)
 a1308454a9d352ea5c462c4b5e7cdae9 1269 x11 optional xfree86_4.1.0-14pre15v2.dsc
 e62ffcfc55466620db2ab32d771e0c75 1542091 x11 optional xfree86_4.1.0-14pre15v2.diff.gz
 7a5eb1ff73e1241cd990f3d34861dbed 129038 x11 optional lbxproxy_4.1.0-14pre15v2_i386.deb
 c770068fcae3f4d39049d886f6b66b78 164976 libs optional libdps1_4.1.0-14pre15v2_i386.deb
 f5cb22bed0d6c979aa8d67fa9c834206 406070 devel extra 
 8f9e1b6399ac47da9056e50eca739d47 226260 devel optional 
 9a6aa9e3794cbbd9edd8b5e252a8a0f7 163002 libs optional libxaw6_4.1.0-14pre15v2_i386.deb
 ae2ab94aa6a0374ec65b4407d3031e80 330808 devel extra 
 544afe50159fd7952cfd9bcc173c2454 289186 devel extra 
 640a98cd8d44eaefd50e823fbae1e7ed 209860 libs optional libxaw7_4.1.0-14pre15v2_i386.deb
 4632ef8f81bedc6b8d871b5ed870971b 430430 devel extra 
 1e66c01aedd8904be4218df5918963a5 289078 devel optional 
 08c46847946018bc2810bbab218f848f 72926 x11 optional proxymngr_4.1.0-14pre15v2_i386.deb
 40a4488783fb1df10e1ef97a21da434a 148238 x11 optional twm_4.1.0-14pre15v2_i386.deb
 cea9d0aa8886602aedce59afd931258e 1452348 x11 optional 
 ea9ce8f79b89c77fbbc6a375f3029c9f 165924 x11 optional xdm_4.1.0-14pre15v2_i386.deb
 3657c7657900a08c64946a3d324a709c 272124 x11 optional xfs_4.1.0-14pre15v2_i386.deb
 26fd151cd59bd550b554e060fd5b0dca 77520 x11 optional xfwp_4.1.0-14pre15v2_i386.deb
 ac7c00297f2ef65568fefaf9a39b65a0 3419264 libs optional 
 b2d3366228aa5b6ea1bb81cd67bac840 862486 devel extra 
 a67935496d1f3f4436dc297854ef04b9 549212 devel optional 
 5a2865ef50bee0335b6dfa65b69a4397 459224 libs optional 
 76e455dc26d11e6b7ba88e2813aa3645 960806 devel extra 
 e45afd275f040a644f4b861edaea008b 519056 devel optional 
 b1aea12482fe3e51823d0a5a7316e37e 1220106 libs optional xlibs_4.1.0-14pre15v2_i386.deb
 564a153dc7b3e163eb2e884f809095f2 2531628 devel extra 
 12c52f0ee78a05cbff8ea6f01eb453f4 2720472 devel optional 
 a9176ae267365ff2a4775e2fbbcb8a6e 69980 devel optional 
 5682f843e3c2e0a84be16301aa4e2372 121078 mail extra xmh_4.1.0-14pre15v2_i386.deb
 6d344f0f8de4915508f8497bc8cd5995 1390214 x11 optional xnest_4.1.0-14pre15v2_i386.deb
 412e2e92ba137335443fa7eae60ea758 1119714 x11 optional xprt_4.1.0-14pre15v2_i386.deb
 3e1e74bbf547e78e091678c42412e5b5 211736 x11 optional 
 2266cf0f39c271cb6a5362d4095d4974 4313158 x11 optional 
 5a6da628b4eac3ab0edce8d6aa2b4d09 453500 x11 optional xterm_4.1.0-14pre15v2_i386.deb
 cc691434c28d62f427b12906f5dd67ae 598160 x11 optional xutils_4.1.0-14pre15v2_i386.deb
 41b5f4a50f100bc74aa284daa18c56a2 1493176 x11 optional xvfb_4.1.0-14pre15v2_i386.deb
 53811ab6b13ee7f9b755989512705d1a 4255260 x11 optional 
 c2822c47f14c70853350a061ef5de549 8086272 x11 optional 
 e192191caf6fc473fc91fe1dec2ca21d 3733028 x11 optional 
 9857c1cbceb372a02af2f13f289a718f 6962818 x11 optional 
 aacbb05d4fe0b10bea652345d27e3eb3 4976752 x11 optional 
 43a5d083ca8ce71bc9665be12fc31070 1095956 x11 optional 
 8e5e676f4011918b742e31806d6f281c 428510 x11 optional 
 63e66e01d16cb1796c260d767040cb27 65256 x11 optional xfonts-pex_4.1.0-14pre15v2_all.deb
 86f05f5d34d4c416fcaedb227c59a43b 792770 x11 optional 
 3d2141fedcfe2c7095f25fb53afe27bc 539490 x11 optional 
 a62549c0fb2b7f47210cdbbce33b25f5 4161950 x11 optional xspecs_4.1.0-14pre15v2_all.deb
 19d5abe651a1562116159ddb2bc6a6e1 56992 libs optional xlib6g_4.1.0-14pre15v2_all.deb
 4c7245290e0219762f434fc7e2a40658 56798 devel optional 
 e5503c2382bb30427f6921754c118649 56984 x11 optional 
 01942c4508aa4691fcfa2f7027cc5568 56834 x11 optional 

G. Branden Robinson                |     You could wire up a dead rat to a
Debian GNU/Linux                   |     DIMM socket and the PC BIOS memory
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |     test would pass it just fine. |     -- Ethan Benson

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