On Wed, Oct 09, 2002 at 09:39:59AM -0500, Sudhindra Herle wrote:
> Thanks to the helpful info on this mailing list, I was able to get
> Xfree86 working with my new ATI Radeon 7500 QW with the latest version
> of XFree86 in sid (4.2.1-1) using the DRI module in 2.4.20-pre8-ac3.

Glad to hear it's working for you.

> This email is not a bug report of any kind. I just want to understand a few
> things better and I am hoping the kind souls on this list can help me.
> 1. What is the relationship between DRI & XFree86? Does DRI expose
> generic "ops" and mmap the framebuffer address? Or, does it do more? I
> haven't tried to start X without DRI support in the kernel. Will it
> even work if I do?

DRI is a way of passing commands that take advantage of the 3D engine
on the video card's silicon to the graphics processor.  This bypasses the
X protocol, so DRI is largely a means of ensuring that the video card's
internal rendering and the X server don't get in each other's way in
terms of screen real estate.  Also, not stuffing the acceleration
commands into the X protocol stream saves quite a bit of overhead and
improved performance.

Remember that X was originally developed within, and for, network
computing environments.  The Debian X FAQ speaks more about these


> 2. How can I know the features of the card exploited by X? More
> specifically, 2D and 3D acceleration.  On the ati website, they claim
> that 3D acceleration is supported on their 8500 and FireGL based
> cards.  They also mention that DRI supports 3D acceleration on the
> radeon family (no specific chip information is supplied).  Are there
> generic tools one can run to see/query the info?

I cannot help you here.  Perhaps someone else from the list can.

> When I ran 'glxgears' I seem to get between 500-2000fps. However, the CPU is
> maxed out at 100% -- this on an Athlon XP1700. Also, if I move any window on
> the desktop, the gears seem to stutter and slow down. This leads me to believe
> that 3D support is done in software. Am I correct?

I'm not sure.  In theory yor CPU shouldn't be getting pegged, but then
there's the real world...

> I am not subscribed to this mailing list. I would appreciate if you can CC me
> on the reply. If you think I should subscribe to the mailing list, please send
> me a private email and I'll do so.
> If there is sufficient interest, I can post my Xf86config-4 file to the list (I
> had to change it _very_ little to get it working.)

Please do; I'm curious to know what was necessary.  It may suggest a
possible enhancement in my debconf.

G. Branden Robinson                |     Good judgement comes from
Debian GNU/Linux                   |     experience; experience comes from
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |     bad judgement.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |     -- Fred Brooks

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