On Tue, Oct 15, 2002 at 01:48:33AM +0200, David Spreen wrote:
> Configuring the old meta-win behavour confuses the german keyboard layout
> (alt_r doesn't act as Mode_switch and Multi_key anymore).
> The following patch adds a partial modifier_keys block to 
> /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/altwin which provides a german keyboard-layout
> with the old meta_win behavour. I don't know if this is the best
> way to solve the problem but it works for me.

I don't think this is exactly the right solution, but one of the reasons
I moved the XKB files into /etc is so that people could resolve these
issue for themselves, as you have.

Any thoughts from Germans or other users of mode-switching keyboards?

G. Branden Robinson                |     There's nothing an agnostic can't
Debian GNU/Linux                   |     do if he doesn't know whether he
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |     believes in it or not.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |     -- Graham Chapman

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