On Mon, Oct 21, 2002 at 02:10:12PM -0400, Scott Henson wrote:
> Im currently trying to rebuild some stuff on my system using apt-build
> and its not going very well.  In particular:
> apt-build --reinstall --rebuild install xserver-xfree86
> E: Package hurd has no installation candidate
> E: Build-Depends dependency on xfree86 cannot be satisfied because the
> package freebsd cannot be found
> Error while installing build dependencies, stopped.
> Im thinking some dependency has been added on the Hurd and since Im
> using the linux kernel it cant satisfy the hurd deps.  

apt-get's output looks pretty suboptimal.

Check the xfree86 source package's build dependencies by hand.

I think you'll find that they can, in fact, all be satisfied on a Linux

> I was looking through some of the bug reports for xfree86 and noticed a
> lot of old bugs taged as upstream.  Has there been any effort to go look
> over these and check if any are fixed in the current version so they can
> be closed?  

I've got plans for the ones filed against xserver-xfree86.

G. Branden Robinson                |    The first thing the communists do
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    when they take over a country is to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |    outlaw cockfighting.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |    -- Oklahoma State Senator John Monks

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