On Sat, Oct 26, 2002 at 06:56:14PM +0200, Guillaume Morin wrote:
> Hi Branden,
> Here is a keymap for french Tibooks. Do you think you could include it
> in your package ?

In the future, please supply diffs to existing files.  It makes it
easier to see what you're actually changing.

I'm attaching a unified diff to show you what I mean.

Anyway, it looks the best fix is for the macintosh/fr symbols file to
work like the "plain" (which is to say, PC-keyboard-centric) fr file.

It should just augment the "us" symbols file to include the stuff in the
alternate symbols group.

You can read more about this sort of thing in Ivan Pascal's XKB


G. Branden Robinson                |      The noble soul has reverence for
Debian GNU/Linux                   |      itself.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |      -- Friedrich Nietzsche
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |
--- fr  2002-09-07 15:01:52.000000000 -0500
+++ /tmp/branden/morin_fr       2002-10-27 19:33:41.000000000 -0500
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
     key <AD11> {       [ dead_circumflex,  dead_diaeresis  ],
                        [ ocircumflex,  Ocircumflex     ]       };
     key <AD12> {       [      dollar,  asterisk        ],
-                       [       comma,  yen             ]       };
+                       [       comma,  EuroSign             ]  };
     key <BKSL> {       [       dead_grave,  sterling        ],
                        [          at,  numbersign      ]       };
@@ -97,5 +97,26 @@
     // End alphanumeric section
     key <KPDL> {        [ KP_Separator , KP_Delete      ]       };
+    // Begin modifier mappings
+        key <LWIN> {   [  Meta_L                               ]       };
+       key <LFSH> {    [  Shift_L                              ]       };
+       key <LCTL> {    [  Control_L                    ]       };
+       key <LALT> {    [  Mode_switch  ]       };
+       key <RWIN> {    [  Meta_R                               ]       };
+       key <RTSH> {    [  Shift_R                              ]       };
+       key <RCTL> {    [  Control_R                    ]       };
+       key <RALT> {    [  Alt_R                                ]       };
+    // End modifier mappings
+    // begin modifier mappings
+    modifier_map Shift { Shift_L,   Shift_R   };
+    modifier_map Lock  { Caps_Lock                };
+    modifier_map Control{ Control_L, Control_R };
+    modifier_map Mod1  { Meta_L, Meta_R       };
+    modifier_map Mod2   { Alt_L, Alt_R         };
+    modifier_map Mod3  { Mode_switch          };
+    // end modifier mappings
+// EOF

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