On Tue, Jan 14, 2003 at 10:24:47AM +0900, ISHIKAWA Mutsumi scrawled:
> >>>>> In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> >>>>> Daniel Stone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> > >>  -1 works, but my local tree is currently rather broken due to
> >> > >>  attempting to split xlibs in the dark with no torch.
> >> > 
> >> >  Xlibs split is already done on my tree.
> >> >  (and -4pre5v1 changes are already merged too)
> >> I don't build xft or fontconfig, and instead defer to the versions in
> >> Debian.
>  OK, so xfree86_4.3.0-*.deb will not provide xft2 and fontconfig
> (related files), we will use Colin Walters' xft2 and fontconfig
> package. Will it.

Branden has said he may get Colin to remove his xft2 and build it in X;
I'm not sure. All I know is that I need my packages to be able to
co-exist with Colin's xft2.

>  How about xft1 ?

Xft is not built at all.

> >> I'm splitting xlibs per-library locally in my tree, but that's
> >> going to take a couple of days yet to track down where every
> >> header and manpage should go (sigh).
>   Ahh, I understand. So, we will provide individual package per
> libraries? (For example xlibx11 will provide libX11.so and related
> files, xlibxie will provide)

AIUI, the rough plan is to have one package per shared library (libx11,
libxpm4, etc), xlibs-static and xlibs-data. I'm unsure as to how the
packages should be named though: I honestly don't see the need for the
'x' prefix, except as some ancient packaging artifact that's no longer
relevant to the real world.

  * debian/control:
    + Split xlibmesa a la 4.2.1-5 - xlibmesa4-gl, xlibmesa4-gl-dbg,
      xlibmesa4-gl-dev, xlibmesa4-glu, xlibmesa4-glu-dbg, xlibmesa4-glu-dev,
      and xlibmesa4-dri. The first three contain libGL, the next three libGLU,
      and the latter the DRI modules.
    + Split xlibs a la Branden's Great Leap Forward - every package has its own
      library. So, the new packages are: libx11, libxpm4, libxt6, libxmu6,
      libxmuu1, libice6, libsm6, libxext6, libxi6, libxp6, libxrender1,
      libxrandr2, libxtrap6, libxtst6, libxrx6 and libxcursor1; all of these
      packages also have a -dbg and -dev package (the soname is removed for
      the -dev package). Locale data and other architecture-independent
      stuff has been moved to xlibs-data; static-only libraries are in

I should at this point stress that Branden's plan is at this stage only
a preliminary plan and is not guaranteed to happen, least of all in its
current form. I'm only taking his vague ideas and putting them together
as I see best.
:) d

Daniel Stone                                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Developer, Trinity College, University of Melbourne

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