On Tue, Jan 14, 2003 at 03:49:27AM +1100, Drew Parsons wrote:
> By the way, Branden, there's a minor grammatical error in the new xprt
> description.  It should read something like 
> "Improvement of XFree86's version of the Xprint server is expected in a future 
>                                                                       ^^  
> instead of
> "Improvement of XFree86's version of the Xprint server is expected in future 
> Or maybe "...in future releases".

Thanks, fixed.  Or I could imitate a silly Commonwealther and say "in

G. Branden Robinson                |    You can have my PGP passphrase when
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    you pry it from my cold, dead
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |    brain.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |    -- Adam Thornton

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