On Sun, Oct 19, 2003 at 08:44:30PM -0400, Thomas Dickey wrote:
> >                       Debian Bug report logs - #215828
> >         xterm: pixel garbage in line-drawing characters in UTF-8 mode
> I see the dots in the attached picture, however I don't see an indication
> of which font was used.  That sort of thing could happen if the bounding
> box of the font isn't consistent with the ascent/descent values (a defective
> font, in other words - there are several in XFree86).  But knowing the font
> I could verify this.
> >I'm using various sizes of the fixed font, with mutt-utf8, with
> The ISO8859 fixed font, or the ISO10646 font?
> (or even Freetype fonts ;-)

If he's like me, he's probably using uxterm with the stock font

Bug submitter, can you please clarify?

G. Branden Robinson                |       Convictions are more dangerous
Debian GNU/Linux                   |       enemies of truth than lies.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |       -- Friedrich Nietzsche
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