retitle 207537 xserver-xfree86: want way to re-do autodetection within config script 
after initial install
severity 207537 wishlist

On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 08:37:08PM +0200, Goswin Brederlow wrote:
> You only ever run the autodetection on an initial install.  What you
> fail to see is that people upgrading or reconfiguring might still want
> to use this method.

No, I'm aware of it, but it's difficult to implement.

> It would also be good to keep the previous selected values of any
> questions as default (thats rather a must) and to mark the probed
> values (or mention them in the text) for reference.

That's complicated to implement with current debconf technology.

> You might noticed that autodetecting the mouse fails and loops. I
> selected yes a few time for good measure. After failing it could move
> on.

I don't see what the harm is in letting people try as many times as they

> I also saw a lot of questions apearing as medium in the log which I
> should have never been asked. From the logs it looks like debconf is
> to blame. I can't find a bug in auto_answere that would explain it.
> The log says medium and debconf is configured to critical.
> But you have some priority bugs in the script too:
>     Thats raising the priority of some questions rather than lowering it
>     (e.g. cases where PRIORITY would be low otherwise).
> ${PRIORITY_CEILING:-low}     => raises
> ${PRIORITY_CEILING:-medium}  => pointless with ceiling to medium
> ${PRIORITY_CEILING:-high}    => lowers (which was the idea of it, right)
> A little functions picking the lower of $PRIORITY_CEILING and its
> argument might be better suited.
> There you go. Happy fixing.

Yes, I've written one and it's been committed to the X Strike Force
XFree86 SVN repository in revision 701.  That issue will be fixed in the
next release.

As it's the only issue you raised which I consider a flaw, I'm
downgrading the severity of this bug and narrowing its scope.

G. Branden Robinson                |     "Why do we have to hide from the
Debian GNU/Linux                   |      police, Daddy?"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |     "Because we use vi, son.  They use |      emacs."

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