Hi Norbert.

Norbert Preining <prein...@logic.at> (13/02/2011):
> Ok, some findings:
> - AccelFactor seems to need a factor 10, before I had 0.015, now I need 0.15
> - non-integral parts in Min/MaxSpeed seem to be ignored. I had 
>       MinSpeed "0.3", MaxSpeed "1.5" in the xorg.conf file and
>   after starting X I see MinSpeed = 1 and MaxSpeed = 5 in the output
>   of synclient. I can use synclient to adjust it to the right values.
> - MaxSpeed also seems to have changed a bit its meaning
> Hope that helps.

Your best move is to talk directly to upstream:

Component is xorg, product is Input/synaptics.

You may want to mention I've provided you with backported:

Feel free to Cc me in the upstream bug report.


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