.gitmodules                                      |   75 
 AUTHORS                                          |    2 
 CMakeLists.txt                                   |   36 
 INSTALL                                          |  236 
 Makefile.am                                      |   19 
 NEWS                                             |   18 
 VERSION                                          |    1 
 animation                                        |    1 
 autogen.sh                                       |   16 
 cmake/CompizFusion.cmake                         |  680 --
 cmake/addons.cmake                               |  171 
 colorfilter                                      |    1 
 compiz-animation.pc.in                           |   12 
 compiz-mousepoll.pc.in                           |   12 
 compiz-text.pc.in                                |   12 
 configure.ac                                     |  225 
 data/Makefile.am                                 |    1 
 data/filters/Makefile.am                         |   16 
 data/filters/blackandwhite                       |   11 
 data/filters/blueish-filter                      |   10 
 data/filters/contrast                            |   21 
 data/filters/deuteranopia                        |   43 
 data/filters/grayscale                           |    6 
 data/filters/negative                            |    9 
 data/filters/negative-green                      |   10 
 data/filters/protanopia                          |   43 
 data/filters/sepia                               |    9 
 data/filters/swap-green-blue                     |    5 
 data/filters/swap-red-blue                       |    5 
 data/filters/swap-red-green                      |    5 
 debian/changelog                                 |   23 
 debian/compat                                    |    2 
 debian/control                                   |   10 
 debian/copyright                                 |  128 
 debian/docs                                      |    1 
 debian/install                                   |    8 
 debian/patches/06_bug326995.patch                |   16 
 debian/patches/08_disable_desktop_vpswitch.patch |   19 
 debian/patches/10-fix_plasma_previews.patch      |   15 
 debian/patches/series                            |    3 
 debian/rules                                     |   99 
 debian/source/format                             |    1 
 debian/source/local-options                      |    2 
 debian/watch                                     |    4 
 dev/null                                         |binary
 expo                                             |    1 
 ezoom                                            |    1 
 images/Gnome/Makefile.am                         |    8 
 images/Gnome/image.svg                           |  498 -
 images/Makefile.am                               |    1 
 images/Oxygen/Makefile.am                        |    8 
 images/Oxygen/image.svg                          | 4523 ----------------
 include/Makefile.am                              |   10 
 include/compiz-animation.h                       |  311 -
 include/compiz-mousepoll.h                       |   51 
 include/compiz-text.h                            |  143 
 jpeg                                             |    1 
 kdecompat                                        |    1 
 mag                                              |    1 
 metadata/Makefile.am                             |   77 
 metadata/animation.xml.in                        |  744 --
 metadata/colorfilter.xml.in                      |   64 
 metadata/expo.xml.in                             |  252 
 metadata/ezoom.xml.in                            |  283 -
 metadata/imgjpeg.xml.in                          |   20 
 metadata/kdecompat.xml.in                        |   16 
 metadata/mag.xml.in                              |  162 
 metadata/mousepoll.xml.in                        |   22 
 metadata/neg.xml.in                              |   37 
 metadata/opacify.xml.in                          |   86 
 metadata/put.xml.in                              |  276 
 metadata/resizeinfo.xml.in                       |   71 
 metadata/ring.xml.in                             |  248 
 metadata/scaleaddon.xml.in                       |  176 
 metadata/session.xml.in                          |   27 
 metadata/shift.xml.in                            |  360 -
 metadata/snap.xml.in                             |  100 
 metadata/staticswitcher.xml.in                   |  277 
 metadata/text.xml.in                             |   12 
 metadata/thumbnail.xml.in                        |  113 
 metadata/titleinfo.xml.in                        |   20 
 metadata/vpswitch.xml.in                         |  119 
 metadata/wall.xml.in                             |  357 -
 metadata/winrules.xml.in                         |  104 
 metadata/workarounds.xml.in                      |   78 
 mousepoll                                        |    1 
 neg                                              |    1 
 opacify                                          |    1 
 po/ChangeLog                                     |   12 
 po/LINGUAS                                       |   30 
 po/Makefile.in.in                                |  218 
 po/Makevars                                      |   43 
 po/POTFILES.in                                   |   25 
 po/ar.po                                         | 5718 --------------------
 po/as.po                                         | 3941 --------------
 po/be.po                                         | 4561 ----------------
 po/bn.po                                         | 5678 --------------------
 po/ca.po                                         | 6032 ---------------------
 po/cs.po                                         | 6009 ---------------------
 po/da.po                                         | 3941 --------------
 po/de.po                                         | 6328 ----------------------
 po/el.po                                         | 6221 ----------------------
 po/en_GB.po                                      | 6028 ---------------------
 po/es.po                                         | 6345 ----------------------
 po/eu.po                                         | 5877 ---------------------
 po/fa.po                                         | 5487 -------------------
 po/fi.po                                         | 5857 ---------------------
 po/fr.po                                         | 6168 ----------------------
 po/gl.po                                         | 5243 ------------------
 po/gu.po                                         | 6090 ---------------------
 po/he.po                                         | 5864 ---------------------
 po/hi.po                                         | 6078 ---------------------
 po/hr.po                                         | 3941 --------------
 po/hu.po                                         | 5978 ---------------------
 po/it.po                                         | 6308 ----------------------
 po/ja.po                                         | 5212 ------------------
 po/ko.po                                         | 5821 --------------------
 po/ml_IN.po                                      | 5457 -------------------
 po/nb.po                                         | 6108 ---------------------
 po/nl.po                                         | 6203 ----------------------
 po/or.po                                         | 4206 ---------------
 po/pl.po                                         | 6153 ----------------------
 po/pt.po                                         | 4916 -----------------
 po/pt_BR.po                                      | 6281 ----------------------
 po/ru.po                                         | 6389 -----------------------
 po/sv.po                                         | 6061 ---------------------
 po/tr.po                                         | 5922 ---------------------
 po/zh_CN.po                                      | 5826 --------------------
 po/zh_HK.po                                      | 4206 ---------------
 put                                              |    1 
 resizeinfo                                       |    1 
 ring                                             |    1 
 scaleaddon                                       |    1 
 session                                          |    1 
 shift                                            |    1 
 snap                                             |    1 
 src/Makefile.am                                  |   27 
 src/animation/CMakeLists.txt                     |    6 
 src/animation/Makefile.am                        |   30 
 src/animation/animation-internal.h               |  622 --
 src/animation/animation.c                        | 5102 ------------------
 src/animation/curvedfold.c                       |  199 
 src/animation/dodge.c                            |  338 -
 src/animation/dream.c                            |  128 
 src/animation/fade.c                             |   52 
 src/animation/focusfade.c                        |   96 
 src/animation/glide.c                            |  201 
 src/animation/horizontalfold.c                   |  183 
 src/animation/magiclamp.c                        |  338 -
 src/animation/options.c                          |  341 -
 src/animation/rollup.c                           |  154 
 src/animation/wave.c                             |   99 
 src/animation/zoomside.c                         |  376 -
 src/colorfilter/CMakeLists.txt                   |    3 
 src/colorfilter/Makefile.am                      |   36 
 src/colorfilter/colorfilter.c                    |  753 --
 src/colorfilter/parser.c                         |  583 --
 src/colorfilter/parser.h                         |   55 
 src/expo/CMakeLists.txt                          |    6 
 src/expo/Makefile.am                             |   30 
 src/expo/expo.c                                  | 1862 ------
 src/ezoom/CMakeLists.txt                         |    3 
 src/ezoom/Makefile.am                            |   30 
 src/ezoom/ezoom.c                                | 2519 ---------
 src/jpeg/CMakeLists.txt                          |    6 
 src/jpeg/Makefile.am                             |   33 
 src/jpeg/imgjpeg.c                               |  463 -
 src/kdecompat/CMakeLists.txt                     |    3 
 src/kdecompat/Makefile.am                        |   30 
 src/kdecompat/kdecompat.c                        |  584 --
 src/mag/CMakeLists.txt                           |    3 
 src/mag/Makefile.am                              |   29 
 src/mag/mag.c                                    | 1306 ----
 src/mousepoll/CMakeLists.txt                     |    3 
 src/mousepoll/Makefile.am                        |   18 
 src/mousepoll/mousepoll.c                        |  495 -
 src/neg/CMakeLists.txt                           |    3 
 src/neg/Makefile.am                              |   30 
 src/neg/neg.c                                    |  834 ---
 src/opacify/CMakeLists.txt                       |    3 
 src/opacify/Makefile.am                          |   30 
 src/opacify/opacify.c                            |  649 --
 src/put/CMakeLists.txt                           |    3 
 src/put/Makefile.am                              |   30 
 src/put/put.c                                    | 1365 ----
 src/resizeinfo/CMakeLists.txt                    |    3 
 src/resizeinfo/Makefile.am                       |   35 
 src/resizeinfo/resizeinfo.c                      |  736 --
 src/ring/CMakeLists.txt                          |    3 
 src/ring/Makefile.am                             |   30 
 src/ring/ring.c                                  | 1822 ------
 src/scaleaddon/CMakeLists.txt                    |    3 
 src/scaleaddon/Makefile.am                       |   34 
 src/scaleaddon/scaleaddon.c                      | 1379 ----
 src/session/CMakeLists.txt                       |    3 
 src/session/Makefile.am                          |   19 
 src/session/session.c                            | 1154 ----
 src/shift/CMakeLists.txt                         |    3 
 src/shift/Makefile.am                            |   30 
 src/shift/shift.c                                | 2677 ---------
 src/snap/CMakeLists.txt                          |    3 
 src/snap/Makefile.am                             |   30 
 src/snap/snap.c                                  | 1174 ----
 src/staticswitcher/CMakeLists.txt                |    3 
 src/staticswitcher/Makefile.am                   |   30 
 src/staticswitcher/staticswitcher.c              | 2133 -------
 src/text/CMakeLists.txt                          |    3 
 src/text/Makefile.am                             |   34 
 src/text/text.c                                  |  734 --
 src/thumbnail/CMakeLists.txt                     |    3 
 src/thumbnail/Makefile.am                        |   32 
 src/thumbnail/thumbnail.c                        | 1302 ----
 src/thumbnail/thumbnail_tex.h                    |  313 -
 src/titleinfo/CMakeLists.txt                     |    3 
 src/titleinfo/Makefile.am                        |   30 
 src/titleinfo/titleinfo.c                        |  491 -
 src/vpswitch/CMakeLists.txt                      |    3 
 src/vpswitch/Makefile.am                         |   30 
 src/vpswitch/vpswitch.c                          |  561 --
 src/wall/CMakeLists.txt                          |    3 
 src/wall/Makefile.am                             |   34 
 src/wall/wall.c                                  | 2263 --------
 src/winrules/CMakeLists.txt                      |    3 
 src/winrules/Makefile.am                         |   29 
 src/winrules/winrules.c                          |  883 ---
 src/workarounds/CMakeLists.txt                   |    3 
 src/workarounds/Makefile.am                      |   30 
 src/workarounds/workarounds.c                    |  855 ---
 staticswitcher                                   |    1 
 text                                             |    1 
 thumbnail                                        |    1 
 titleinfo                                        |    1 
 vpswitch                                         |    1 
 wall                                             |    1 
 winrules                                         |    1 
 workarounds                                      |    1 
 236 files changed, 347 insertions(+), 253192 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit b2ffc7e931489cf896d75ccce8f722615426e745
Author: Sean Finney <sean...@debian.org>
Date:   Fri Mar 4 07:03:01 2011 +0000

    prepare upload

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 665728b..477c208 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-compiz-fusion-plugins-main ( unstable; urgency=low
+compiz-fusion-plugins-main ( experimental; 
   [ Janos Guljas ]
   * New upstream release.
@@ -15,7 +15,11 @@ compiz-fusion-plugins-main ( unstable; 
       - Disable switching between desktop with mousewheel over desktop
         background as this option is too easily launched by mistake
- -- Janos Guljas <ja...@resenje.org>  Mon, 15 Nov 2010 23:03:23 +0100
+  [ Sean Finney ]
+  * commit standard local-options for compiz packages
+  * Update copyright info in debian/copyright
+ -- Sean Finney <sean...@debian.org>  Fri, 04 Mar 2011 07:02:19 +0000
 compiz-fusion-plugins-main (0.8.4-3) UNRELEASED; urgency=low

commit cc137f00f91edbf24cb8d3c96d6f5a910fea43d1
Author: Sean Finney <sean...@debian.org>
Date:   Fri Mar 4 07:00:41 2011 +0000

    Update copyright info in debian/copyright

diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
index 7e8a439..474bac5 100644
--- a/debian/copyright
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@ -17,3 +17,131 @@ License:
 The Debian packaging is (C) 2007, sean finney <sean...@debian.org> and
 is licensed under the GPL, see `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL'.
+./neg/src/neg.h: * Copyright (c) 2006 Darryll Truchan <mop...@comcast.net>
+./neg/src/neg.cpp: * Copyright (c) 2006 Darryll Truchan <mop...@comcast.net>
+./scaleaddon/src/scaleaddon.h: * Copyright : (C) 2007 by Danny Baumann
+./scaleaddon/src/scaleaddon.h: * Copyright : (C) 2006 Diogo Ferreira
+./scaleaddon/src/scaleaddon.h: * Copyright : (C) 2009 by Sam Spilsbury
+./scaleaddon/src/scaleaddon.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2007 by Danny Baumann
+./scaleaddon/src/scaleaddon.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2006 Diogo Ferreira
+./scaleaddon/src/scaleaddon.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2009 by Sam Spilsbury
+./scaleaddon/src/scaleaddon.cpp: * Copyright (C) 2007 Rivo Laks 
+./scaleaddon/src/scaleaddon.cpp: * Copyright (C) 2008 Lucas Murray 
+./put/src/put.h: * Copyright (c) 2006 Darryll Truchan <mop...@comcast.net>
+./put/src/put.cpp: * Copyright (c) 2006 Darryll Truchan <mop...@comcast.net>
+./snap/src/snap.cpp: * Copyright (C) 2009 Guillaume Seguin
+./snap/src/snap.h: * Copyright (C) 2009 Guillaume Seguin
+./resizeinfo/src/resizeinfo.cpp: * Copyright (c) 2007 Robert Carr 
+./resizeinfo/src/resizeinfo.cpp: * Copyright (c) 2007 Danny Baumann 
+./resizeinfo/src/resizeinfo.h: * Copyright (c) 2007 Robert Carr 
+./resizeinfo/src/resizeinfo.h: * Copyright (c) 2007 Danny Baumann 
+./kdecompat/src/kdecompat.h: * Copyright : (C) 2007 by Danny Baumann
+./kdecompat/src/kdecompat.h: * Copyright : (C) 2007 David Reveman
+./kdecompat/src/kdecompat.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2007 by Danny Baumann
+./kdecompat/src/kdecompat.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2007 David Reveman
+./wall/src/wall.h: * Copyright (c) 2006 Robert Carr <rac...@beryl-project.org>
+./wall/src/wall.cpp: * Copyright (c) 2006 Robert Carr 
+./staticswitcher/.git/hooks/pre-rebase.sample:# Copyright (c) 2006, 2008 Junio 
C Hamano
+./staticswitcher/src/staticswitcher.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2008 by Danny 
+./staticswitcher/src/staticswitcher.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2007 David Reveman
+./staticswitcher/src/staticswitcher.h: * Copyright : (C) 2008 by Danny Baumann
+./staticswitcher/src/staticswitcher.h: * Copyright : (C) 2007 David Reveman
+./mousepoll/include/mousepoll/mousepoll.h: * Copyright : (C) 2008 by Dennis 
+./mousepoll/src/private.h: * Copyright : (C) 2008 by Dennis Kasprzyk
+./mousepoll/src/mousepoll.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2008 by Dennis Kasprzyk
+./expo/src/expo.h: * Copyright (c) 2008 Dennis Kasprzyk 
+./expo/src/expo.h: * Copyright (c) 2006 Robert Carr <rac...@beryl-project.org>
+./expo/src/expo.cpp: * Copyright (c) 2008 Dennis Kasprzyk 
+./expo/src/expo.cpp: * Copyright (c) 2006 Robert Carr 
+./shift/src/shift.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2007 by Dennis Kasprzyk
+./shift/src/shift.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2007 by Danny Baumann
+./shift/src/shift.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2007 David Reveman
+./shift/src/shift.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2007 Robert Carr
+./shift/src/shift.h: * Copyright : (C) 2007 by Dennis Kasprzyk
+./shift/src/shift.h: * Copyright : (C) 2007 by Danny Baumann
+./shift/src/shift.h: * Copyright : (C) 2007 David Reveman
+./shift/src/shift.h: * Copyright : (C) 2007 Robert Carr
+./text/include/text/text.h: * Copyright: (C) 2006 Patrick Niklaus
+./text/src/private.h: * Copyright: (C) 2006-2007 Patrick Niklaus, Danny 
Baumann, Dennis Kasprzyk
+./text/src/text.cpp: * Copyright: (C) 2006-2007 Patrick Niklaus, Danny 
Baumann, Dennis Kasprzyk
+./jpeg/src/imgjpeg.cpp: * Copyright: (C) 2006 Nicholas Thomas
+./jpeg/src/imgjpeg.h: * Copyright © 2006 Novell, Inc.
+./jpeg/src/imgjpeg.h: * fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear 
in all copies
+./jpeg/src/imgjpeg.h: * and that both that copyright notice and this 
permission notice
+./session/src/session.cpp: * Copyright (c) 2008 Travis Watkins 
+./session/src/session.cpp: * Copyright (c) 2008 Danny Baumann 
+./session/src/session.cpp: * Copyright (c) 2006 Patrick Niklaus
+./session/src/session.h: * Copyright (c) 2008 Travis Watkins 
+./session/src/session.h: * Copyright (c) 2008 Danny Baumann 
+./session/src/session.h: * Copyright (c) 2006 Patrick Niklaus
+./colorfilter/src/parser.cpp: * Copyright (c) 2007 Guillaume Seguin 
+./colorfilter/src/parser.cpp: * Copyright (c) 2010 Canonical Ltd. 
+./colorfilter/src/parser.h: * Copyright (c) 2007 Guillaume Seguin 
+./colorfilter/src/parser.h: * Copyright (c) 2010 Canonical Ltd. 
+./colorfilter/src/colorfilter.h: * Copyright (c) 2007 Guillaume Seguin 
+./colorfilter/src/colorfilter.h: * Copyright (c) 2009 Sam Spilsbury 
+./colorfilter/src/colorfilter.cpp: * Copyright (c) 2007 Guillaume Seguin 
+./ezoom/src/ezoom.cpp: * Copyright © 2005 Novell, Inc.
+./ezoom/src/ezoom.cpp: * Copyright (C) 2007, 2008,2010 Kristian Lyngstøl
+./ezoom/src/ezoom.cpp: * fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear 
in all copies
+./ezoom/src/ezoom.cpp: * and that both that copyright notice and this 
permission notice
+./ezoom/src/ezoom.h: * Copyright © 2005 Novell, Inc.
+./ezoom/src/ezoom.h: * Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Kristian Lyngstøl
+./ezoom/src/ezoom.h: * Copyright (C) 2009, Sam Spilsbury
+./ezoom/src/ezoom.h: * fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in 
all copies
+./ezoom/src/ezoom.h: * and that both that copyright notice and this permission 
+./titleinfo/src/titleinfo.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2009 by Danny Baumann
+./titleinfo/src/titleinfo.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2009 Sam Spilsbury
+./titleinfo/src/titleinfo.h: * Copyright : (C) 2009 by Danny Baumann
+./titleinfo/src/titleinfo.h: * Copyright : (C) 2009 Sam Spilsbury
+./vpswitch/src/vpswitch.h: * Copyright (c) 2007 Dennis Kasprzyk 
+./vpswitch/src/vpswitch.h: * Copyright (c) 2007 Robert Carr 
+./vpswitch/src/vpswitch.h: * Copyright (c) 2007 Michael Vogt <m...@ubuntu.com>
+./vpswitch/src/vpswitch.cpp: * Copyright (c) 2007 Dennis Kasprzyk 
+./vpswitch/src/vpswitch.cpp: * Copyright (c) 2007 Robert Carr 
+./vpswitch/src/vpswitch.cpp: * Copyright (c) 2007 Michael Vogt 
+./opacify/src/opacify.cpp: * Copyright (c) 2006 Kristian Lyngstøl 
+./opacify/src/opacify.h: * Copyright (c) 2006 Kristian Lyngstøl 
+./workarounds/src/workarounds.cpp: * Copyright (C) 2007 Andrew Riedi 
+./workarounds/src/workarounds.cpp: * Copyright (c) 2007 Dennis Kasprzyk 
+./workarounds/src/workarounds.cpp: * Copyright (c) 2008 Sam Spilsbury 
+./workarounds/src/workarounds.h: * Copyright (C) 2007 Andrew Riedi 
+./workarounds/src/workarounds.h: * Copyright (c) 2007 Dennis Kasprzyk 
+./workarounds/src/workarounds.h: * Copyright (c) 2008 Sam Spilsbury 
+./mag/src/mag.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2008 by Dennis Kasprzyk
+./mag/src/mag.h: * Copyright : (C) 2008 by Dennis Kasprzyk
+./animation/src/wave.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2006 Erkin Bahceci
+./animation/src/glide.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2006 Erkin Bahceci
+./animation/src/extensionplugin.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2006 Erkin Bahceci
+./animation/src/zoomside.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2006 Erkin Bahceci
+./animation/src/horizontalfold.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2006 Erkin Bahceci
+./animation/src/options.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2006 Erkin Bahceci
+./animation/src/dodge.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2006 Erkin Bahceci
+./animation/src/transform.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2006 Erkin Bahceci
+./animation/src/rollup.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2006 Erkin Bahceci
+./animation/src/grid.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2006 Erkin Bahceci
+./animation/src/fade.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2006 Erkin Bahceci
+./animation/src/focusfade.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2006 Erkin Bahceci
+./animation/src/dream.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2006 Erkin Bahceci
+./animation/src/restack.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2006 Erkin Bahceci
+./animation/src/animation.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2006 Erkin Bahceci
+./animation/src/magiclamp.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2006 Erkin Bahceci
+./animation/src/curvedfold.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2006 Erkin Bahceci
+./winrules/src/winrules.h: * Copyright (C) 2007 Bellegarde Cedric (gnumdk (at) 
+./winrules/src/winrules.h: * Copyright (C) 2009 Sam Spilsbury 
+./winrules/src/winrules.cpp: * Copyright (C) 2007 Bellegarde Cedric (gnumdk 
(at) gmail.com)
+./thumbnail/src/thumbnail.h: * Copyright : (C) 2007 by Dennis Kasprzyk
+./thumbnail/src/thumbnail.h: * Copyright : (C) 2009 by Sam Spilsbury
+./thumbnail/src/thumbnail.h: * Copyright : (C) 2007 Stjepan Glavina
+./thumbnail/src/thumbnail.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2007 by Dennis Kasprzyk
+./thumbnail/src/thumbnail.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2009 by Sam Spilsbury
+./thumbnail/src/thumbnail.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2007 Stjepan Glavina
+./ring/src/ring.h: * Copyright : (C) 2007 by Danny Baumann
+./ring/src/ring.h: * Copyright : (C) 2007 David Reveman
+./ring/src/ring.h: * Copyright : (C) 2009 Sam Spilsbury
+./ring/src/ring.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2007 by Danny Baumann
+./ring/src/ring.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2007 David Reveman
+./ring/src/ring.cpp: * Copyright : (C) 2009 Sam Spilsbury

commit 8fed40dfbc39dd26610b932c0ad786089181310b
Author: Sean Finney <sean...@debian.org>
Date:   Sun Feb 27 18:47:06 2011 +0000

    commit standard local-options for compiz packages

diff --git a/debian/source/local-options b/debian/source/local-options
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cdfca9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/source/local-options
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

commit f13210fbdc5521f224bda787ebb022e13758b836
Author: Sean Finney <sean...@debian.org>
Date:   Sun Feb 27 17:34:26 2011 +0000

    Import Janos' packaging work.

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index c266362..665728b 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,22 @@
+compiz-fusion-plugins-main ( unstable; urgency=low
+  [ Janos Guljas ]
+  * New upstream release.
+  * Bump standards to 3.9.1.
+  * Switch to dpkg format 3.0 (quilt)
+  * Rewrite debian/rules to use debhelper 7.
+  * Removed debian/install file.
+  * Updated debian/watch file.
+  * Synchronize ubuntu patches from
+    * 06_bug326995.patch
+      - Change default reflection scale value from 0.75 to 1.0.
+        Anything else is unphysical
+    * 08_disable_desktop_vpswitch.patch
+      - Disable switching between desktop with mousewheel over desktop
+        background as this option is too easily launched by mistake
+ -- Janos Guljas <ja...@resenje.org>  Mon, 15 Nov 2010 23:03:23 +0100
 compiz-fusion-plugins-main (0.8.4-3) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
   * Add Homepage field.
diff --git a/debian/compat b/debian/compat
index 7ed6ff8..7f8f011 100644
--- a/debian/compat
+++ b/debian/compat
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 77bdf40..85c95cc 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -2,9 +2,12 @@ Source: compiz-fusion-plugins-main
 Priority: extra
 Maintainer: Debian X Strike Force <debian-x@lists.debian.org>
 Uploaders: Sean Finney <sean...@debian.org>
-Build-Depends: autoconf, automake1.9, autotools-dev, compiz-dev (>= 0.8.4), 
compiz-fusion-bcop (>= 0.8.4), debhelper (>= 5), intltool, libgconf2-dev, 
libglib2.0-dev, libtool, libglu1-mesa-dev, libjpeg62-dev, libxml2-dev, 
libxslt1-dev, pkg-config, xsltproc, libcairo2-dev, libpango1.0-dev, 
librsvg2-dev, libsm-dev, libdbus-1-dev, libdecoration0-dev (>= 0.8.4),
- quilt
-Standards-Version: 3.8.1
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7.0.50~), cmake, xsltproc,
+ compiz-dev (>= 0.9.0), libdecoration0-dev (>= 0.9.0), pkg-config,
+ libgconf2-dev, libglib2.0-dev, libglu1-mesa-dev, libjpeg62-dev, libxml2-dev,
+ libxslt1-dev, libcairo2-dev, libpango1.0-dev, librsvg2-dev, libsm-dev,
+ libdbus-1-dev, libboost1.42-dev, libboost-serialization1.42-dev
+Standards-Version: 3.9.1
 Section: x11
 Vcs-Git: git://git.debian.org/git/pkg-xorg/bling/compiz-fusion-plugins-main.git
@@ -13,6 +16,7 @@ Homepage: http://wiki.compiz.org/PluginsMain
 Package: compiz-fusion-plugins-main
 Architecture: any
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, ${compizcore:Depends}
+Breaks: compiz-core (<< 0.9.0)
 Description: Compiz Fusion plugins - main collection
  Compiz Fusion is the result of the re-unification of the Beryl-project
  and the community around the Compiz Window Manager. It seeks to provide
diff --git a/debian/docs b/debian/docs
index a3d08bc..ff9f8cf 100644
--- a/debian/docs
+++ b/debian/docs
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/debian/install b/debian/install
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e0709b..0000000
--- a/debian/install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/patches/06_bug326995.patch 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55903bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/06_bug326995.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Description: Change default reflection scale value from 0.75 to 1.0. Anything 
else is unphysical 
+Bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/326995
+Index: compiz-fusion-plugins-main-0.9.0/expo/expo.xml.in
+--- compiz-fusion-plugins-main-0.9.0.orig/expo/expo.xml.in     2010-10-21 
10:22:04.000000000 -0400
++++ compiz-fusion-plugins-main-0.9.0/expo/expo.xml.in  2010-10-21 
10:22:24.753994006 -0400
+@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
+                   <option name="scale_factor" type="float">
+                       <_short>Reflection Scale</_short>
+                       <_long>Scale factor of the expo wall reflection</_long>
+-                      <default>0.75</default>
++                      <default>1.0</default>
+                       <min>0.0</min>
+                       <max>2.0</max>
+                       <precision>0.01</precision>
diff --git a/debian/patches/08_disable_desktop_vpswitch.patch 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8383f22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/08_disable_desktop_vpswitch.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Description: Disable switching between desktop with mousewheel over desktop 
background as this option is too easily launched by mistake
+Bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/414170 
+--- compiz-fusion-plugins-main-0.8.2~/vpswitch/vpswitch.xml.in 2009-03-04 
22:36:21.000000000 -0500
++++ compiz-fusion-plugins-main-0.8.2/vpswitch/vpswitch.xml.in  2009-08-17 
20:35:30.916819017 -0400
+@@ -88,13 +88,11 @@
+                               <option name="next_button" type="button">
+                                       <_short>Move Next</_short>
+                                       <_long>Move to the next viewport</_long>
+-                                      <default>Button5</default>
+                                       <internal/>
+                               </option>
+                               <option name="prev_button" type="button">
+                                       <_short>Move Prev</_short>
+                                       <_long>Move to the previous 
+-                                      <default>Button4</default>
+                                       <internal/>
+                               </option>
+                               <option name="initiate_button" type="button">
diff --git a/debian/patches/10-fix_plasma_previews.patch 
deleted file mode 100644
index 1afd82b..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/10-fix_plasma_previews.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/src/kdecompat/kdecompat.c b/src/kdecompat/kdecompat.c
-index 49a446d..33b75d8 100644
---- a/src/kdecompat/kdecompat.c
-+++ b/src/kdecompat/kdecompat.c
-@@ -246,8 +246,8 @@ kdecompatUpdatePreviews (CompWindow *w)
-     {
-       if (format == 32 && actual == kd->kdePreviewAtom)
-       {
--          int *data    = (int *) propData;
--          int nPreview = *data++;
-+          long *data    = (long *) propData;
-+          int  nPreview = *data++;
-           if (n == (6 * nPreview + 1))
-           {
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 6c42d0f..e14cc43 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index 29ec36b..41a62d8 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -4,99 +4,14 @@
 # Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
 #export DH_VERBOSE=1
-CFLAGS = -Wall -g
-ifneq (,$(findstring noopt,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
-       CFLAGS += -O0
-       CFLAGS += -O2
+CORE_ABIVERSION := $(shell sed -rn 
/usr/include/compiz/core/core.h )
-# include the patch/unpatch rules from quilt
-include /usr/share/quilt/quilt.make
-# specify some options to our patch system
+       dh $@
-# the following files are modified in the build process, but shouldn't be.
+       dh_auto_configure -- -DCOMPIZ_BUILD_WITH_RPATH=FALSE 
-# the following are generated by autoconf and have no way of being deleted
-# gracefully. 
-AUTOFOO_DELETE:=aclocal.m4 config.guess config.h.in config.sub configure \
-                depcomp install-sh intltool-extract.in intltool-merge.in \
-                intltool-update.in ltmain.sh missing mkinstalldirs
+       dh_gencontrol -- -Vcoreabiversion=$(CORE_ABIVERSION)
-# Detect which package is provided by compiz-core:
-COMPIZCORE_DEPENDS := $(shell dpkg-query --showformat='$${Provides}\n' -W 
-configure: configure-stamp
-configure-stamp: $(QUILT_STAMPFN)
-       dh_testdir
-       # Prevent from accidental breakage, early in the build process:
-       if [ -z "$(COMPIZCORE_DEPENDS)" ]; then echo 'Broken compiz-core ABI 
detection'; exit 1; fi
-       for f in $(UPSTREAM_PRESERVE); do \
-               cp -a $$f $$f.preserve; \
-       done
-       ./autogen.sh
-       ./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-static
-       touch configure-stamp
-build: build-stamp
-build-stamp: configure-stamp 
-       dh_testdir
-       $(MAKE)
-       touch $@
-clean: unpatch
-       dh_testdir
-       dh_testroot
-       rm -f build-stamp configure-stamp
-       [ ! -f Makefile ] || $(MAKE) distclean
-       # clean up extra automake cruft
-       find . -type f -name Makefile.in -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f
-       rm -f $(AUTOFOO_DELETE)
-       for f in $(UPSTREAM_PRESERVE); do \
-               if [ -f $$f.preserve ]; then \
-                       cp -a $$f.preserve $$f; rm -f $$f.preserve; \
-               fi; \
-       done
-       dh_clean 
-install: build
-       dh_testdir
-       dh_testroot
-       dh_clean -k 
-       dh_installdirs
-       $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp install
-       # clean up some upstream cruft
-       find $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp -type f -name '*.la' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f
-# Build architecture-independent files here.
-binary-indep: build install
-# We have nothing to do by default.
-# Build architecture-dependent files here.
-binary-arch: build install
-       dh_testdir
-       dh_testroot
-#      uncomment when upstream starts putting stuff in it
-#      dh_installchangelogs ChangeLog
-       dh_installchangelogs
-       dh_installdocs
-       dh_installexamples
-       dh_install --sourcedir=debian/tmp --fail-missing
-       dh_installman
-       dh_link
-       dh_strip
-       dh_compress
-       dh_fixperms
-       dh_makeshlibs
-       dh_installdeb
-       dh_shlibdeps
-       dh_gencontrol -- -Vcompizcore:Depends=$(COMPIZCORE_DEPENDS)
-       dh_md5sums
-       dh_builddeb
-binary: binary-indep binary-arch
-.PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary install configure
diff --git a/debian/source/format b/debian/source/format
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..163aaf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/source/format
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+3.0 (quilt)
diff --git a/debian/watch b/debian/watch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88393e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/watch
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

commit 4a6783faa52528e72d034b1ddfd4a1de957939b7
Author: Repos Merger <guilla...@segu.in>
Date:   Thu Feb 24 09:05:21 2011 +0100

    Automatic submodules references update

diff --git a/mag b/mag
index ce079b4..5887728 160000
--- a/mag
+++ b/mag
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit ce079b46a9a795a65530d5336779eda5a41a13b6
+Subproject commit 58877289e5b3cbf5083d7a84354af3339af505c2

commit accbad28336255669e7cd1e3fb38ccd4120ddf33
Author: Repos Merger <guilla...@segu.in>
Date:   Thu Feb 24 09:00:25 2011 +0100

    Automatic submodules references update

diff --git a/staticswitcher b/staticswitcher
index 9201fd6..55997d7 160000
--- a/staticswitcher
+++ b/staticswitcher
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 9201fd68d8e6e75ecb3eee170f070ea939606c03
+Subproject commit 55997d7b3d8863212006e87c6780d522b9a0b5ea

commit ca282205866ba73772e26d75a8c0898c4bb96be7
Author: Repos Merger <guilla...@segu.in>
Date:   Thu Feb 24 08:05:19 2011 +0100

    Automatic submodules references update

diff --git a/animation b/animation
index 2cf4ee0..a41c4c0 160000
--- a/animation
+++ b/animation
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 2cf4ee07185da6c1b873c3df783e10509dbc8187
+Subproject commit a41c4c020ca205b1544a2236897bcf3fdc00da5b

commit 095b4a1831cb897807cdb495f77450587cc23d33
Author: Repos Merger <guilla...@segu.in>
Date:   Wed Feb 23 22:30:46 2011 +0100

    Automatic submodules references update

diff --git a/ezoom b/ezoom
index 5621806..f916dc0 160000
--- a/ezoom
+++ b/ezoom
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 5621806fe5c9037865a4bb04cb062c9b9b3f0d7e
+Subproject commit f916dc08ae2597b9c0c9bb1da3d13eb4f0f2cf51

commit 162667da3cf85365c10e1c2d63a58a5c295afd5d
Author: Repos Merger <guilla...@segu.in>
Date:   Wed Feb 23 22:05:11 2011 +0100

    Automatic submodules references update

diff --git a/animation b/animation
index 29156aa..2cf4ee0 160000
--- a/animation
+++ b/animation
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 29156aa9d788680222acff06fd831a12d49dbfcc
+Subproject commit 2cf4ee07185da6c1b873c3df783e10509dbc8187

commit 9887ba8771f94d9d9d348ba983ec752b0ed961ed
Author: Repos Merger <guilla...@segu.in>
Date:   Wed Feb 23 22:00:38 2011 +0100

    Automatic submodules references update

diff --git a/ring b/ring
index 8292854..b9e1417 160000
--- a/ring
+++ b/ring
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 8292854e8df20e85fa1e2daedb41586362118165
+Subproject commit b9e1417b167a5d40c124c0820332d2dcf1616e9e

commit 3991a62861cc879bc1dcf3cec5ee7afa2317ee32
Author: Repos Merger <guilla...@segu.in>
Date:   Tue Feb 1 13:20:05 2011 +0100

    Automatic submodules references update

diff --git a/kdecompat b/kdecompat
index 5a0d23e..8373a8e 160000
--- a/kdecompat
+++ b/kdecompat
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 5a0d23e2f2436847e1693ab3864f437b5783befa
+Subproject commit 8373a8e35b945e2560275d23453f7d93dd1cba02

commit 2960289ab3cca55c529aac020b1297d5cfeb58a1
Author: Repos Merger <guilla...@segu.in>
Date:   Wed Jan 5 07:35:04 2011 +0100

    Automatic submodules references update

diff --git a/ezoom b/ezoom
index e2c8122..5621806 160000
--- a/ezoom
+++ b/ezoom
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit e2c81227055ebdce8341332971ad7e69a8c2d7fb
+Subproject commit 5621806fe5c9037865a4bb04cb062c9b9b3f0d7e

commit 87b4856d889c3de53fc13d8028fbb15d3e80159d
Author: Repos Merger <guilla...@segu.in>
Date:   Thu Dec 23 05:00:08 2010 +0100

    Automatic submodules references update

diff --git a/wall b/wall
index 824f11e..cb30be3 160000
--- a/wall
+++ b/wall
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 824f11e91c755402b915a8f6fd68afd29ebf07a3
+Subproject commit cb30be3b3ebd5dece4230311c231e58857bf99c3

commit 72a573242aa7146619fd670b411853aeb7014cff
Author: Repos Merger <guilla...@segu.in>
Date:   Thu Dec 2 10:15:05 2010 +0100

    Automatic submodules references update

diff --git a/text b/text
index 6ddcad3..1d08534 160000
--- a/text
+++ b/text
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 6ddcad3b6060e9448b8fb2932b1e6be177a12c5b
+Subproject commit 1d08534a3fce6e15e583eab4fd917cdd9e9110c9

commit 271c7ba0944506e6c90e650b81c8771d3c90724d
Author: Repos Merger <guilla...@segu.in>
Date:   Sat Nov 27 06:25:09 2010 +0100

    Automatic submodules references update

diff --git a/put b/put
index 12ffb06..8e68ef6 160000
--- a/put
+++ b/put
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 12ffb0695a3ff2645d01d64eef692d911d07eeb3
+Subproject commit 8e68ef64414b43dacd412243068dd8e8d851cad9

commit 2b061f8233f48a37eef6cb6c831b16f40087ae80
Author: Repos Merger <guilla...@segu.in>
Date:   Sun Nov 21 04:50:08 2010 +0100

    Automatic submodules references update

diff --git a/expo b/expo
index a2abc43..a48daaa 160000
--- a/expo
+++ b/expo
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit a2abc4358813b340ebef77cddb72e7ee88064f6a
+Subproject commit a48daaa7a3afe87a608c94d31166c7e7732ce3a8

commit 640efc8bd20188dd6c0d1cf4f877af4b58712b11
Author: Repos Merger <guilla...@segu.in>
Date:   Sun Nov 14 04:55:19 2010 +0100

    Automatic submodules references update

diff --git a/colorfilter b/colorfilter
index dd26a93..75ebe33 160000
--- a/colorfilter
+++ b/colorfilter
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit dd26a937f3cb7a132aacfd07628497b30c832a5b
+Subproject commit 75ebe33fa30ef779abf92420429008f5ffdea666

commit 93befc8ec9307076d752b672cab5f8e1e49ce65e
Author: Repos Merger <guilla...@segu.in>
Date:   Sat Nov 13 21:40:11 2010 +0100

    Automatic submodules references update

diff --git a/ezoom b/ezoom
index 15071b8..e2c8122 160000
--- a/ezoom
+++ b/ezoom
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 15071b8fd6a78c9716bc69763e0c455ebac017ae
+Subproject commit e2c81227055ebdce8341332971ad7e69a8c2d7fb

commit 25fc51856b6e19e6a2868c62e063f170918cde5d
Author: Repos Merger <guilla...@segu.in>
Date:   Sat Nov 13 21:05:04 2010 +0100

    Automatic submodules references update

diff --git a/colorfilter b/colorfilter
index f269698..dd26a93 160000
--- a/colorfilter
+++ b/colorfilter
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit f269698d5618210252027da18283fd16bc000b1d
+Subproject commit dd26a937f3cb7a132aacfd07628497b30c832a5b

commit f638926909f9b340c7b40c97033d0aaa057ee7b3
Author: Repos Merger <guilla...@segu.in>
Date:   Thu Nov 11 06:30:22 2010 +0100

    Automatic submodules references update

diff --git a/wall b/wall
index 6ddb4b7..824f11e 160000
--- a/wall
+++ b/wall
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 6ddb4b7f3cd390ce09500dbd373faa518272d9a6
+Subproject commit 824f11e91c755402b915a8f6fd68afd29ebf07a3

commit 6896307121e301135fe94fac54240fda10b6d243
Author: Repos Merger <guilla...@segu.in>
Date:   Thu Nov 11 04:40:06 2010 +0100

    Automatic submodules references update

diff --git a/wall b/wall
index d96e598..6ddb4b7 160000
--- a/wall
+++ b/wall
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit d96e5985984c0644cdf90396483f876ff7a0842b
+Subproject commit 6ddb4b7f3cd390ce09500dbd373faa518272d9a6

commit 92404894378f5a67a8a2ca33d5f24c2358445ea2
Author: Sam Spilsbury <smspil...@gmail.com>
Date:   Sat Nov 6 20:49:17 2010 +0800

    Update NEWS for Release

diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 2686a93..c73b3be 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -11,3 +11,7 @@ Added "natural" scale mode
 Added fake mninimization support
 Use libxml to write the session save file
+Release (2010-11-06 Sam Spilsbury <sam.spilsb...@canonical.com>)
+Bugfix release.

commit 125954b0adc5adbb6af19e3d78928351a84e3653
Author: Sam Spilsbury <smspil...@gmail.com>
Date:   Sat Nov 6 20:37:02 2010 +0800

    Add a COMPIZ_VERSION_MACRO and update to

diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index e4cd3c0..6293bc4 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -9,8 +9,9 @@ include (CompizPackage)
-set (VERSION 
+set (VERSION 

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