On Thu, 2011-03-03 at 16:13 +0100, Martin Künstner wrote:
> Hello,
> after searching for "QFont::fromString: Invalid description 'Sans
> Serif,10,5,0,50,0'"
> I found that i have to install ibus.
> After installing ibus everything now works for me.

Going back to your original message (which I didn't see before, as this
bug was reassigned):

> on the file open dialog libre office get stuck and the whole system gets 
> frozen
> no user interaction is possible any more
> mous is moving but every otner action is no more possible
> you cant even change to console via STRG+F1

You need to use the Alt key as well.

> system is not more responding

This really sounds like LibreOffice (or more likely an extension to LO)
has grabbed and then not released the keyboard and mouse.  Applications
can override normal window focus temporarily ('grab') for purposes like
drag-and-drop, but unfortunately this is not automatically released when
you release the mouse buttons.  If an application fails to release its
grab it can effectively break the entire desktop session in the way you
described.  However, the console switching keystrokes should still work.
Could you temporarily remove ibus and test that Strg-Alt-F1 works when
the system is in this state?


Ben Hutchings
Once a job is fouled up, anything done to improve it makes it worse.

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