>Hi,Hi Cyril,First, apologies, it works now. It was not that Xorg refused to 
>start, it's just I didn't know that when Xorg starts, it's not anymore a 
>checkerboard screen but a black one.So Xorg was in fact working, the problem 
>was the transition from gnome2 to gnome3...gdm2 has not been automaticaly 
>upgraded to gdm3 and it stoped working.After a manual reinstallation of 
>gnome-core and gdm3, it works.
Clément BRUGUERA <cle...@hotmail.com> (15/11/2011):
>> After a dist-upgrade last night, xorg refuses to start. 

>dist-upgraded from what? If that's just from wheezy/unstable from a
>while ago, what got upgraded? (dpkg.log to the rescue)It was a dist-upgrade 
>from a one month old testing snapshot to the last testing snapshot.
>> I've tried to disable KMS in /etc/modprobe.d/i915-kms.conf

>KMS has been mandatory for intel for a while now, disabling it can't
>work, especially since you're forcing the driver through xorg.conf
>(which you probably could move aside, since there's nothing interesting
>there except maybe the ZAxisMapping option).
Well, I didn't know that.>And FWIW, fbdev might be a nice alternative for old 
cards when intel
>doesn't work.Okey.

Thank you for the time you have lost by replying to this false bug, I'm very 
sorry for that.Clément                                       

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