Ti Strga <wearyofallthisc...@gmail.com> (16/05/2012):
> I'm running sid, and trying to debug a problem after updating today to the
> Xorg 2:1.12.1-2 packages.  There's no xorg.conf file on the system in
> question, only a /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d with some stock files (evdev,
> synaptics, wacom (I don't have any of that hardware)).  So I thought I'd make
> an xorg.conf and see if I could tweak the system into shape.  I followed the
> instructions at
> http://wiki.debian.org/Xorg

I missed that page when moving contents from the wiki to this set of pages:

> What's the official blessed tool to generate an xorg.conf as a starting
> point?

You didn't tell us what your issue is. Basically, you may want to upgrade
from 3.1 to latest 3.2 in unstable, as a first step.


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