DAVID HAND <dooby.d...@virgin.net> (20/05/2012):
> xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
> Screen 0: minimum 320 x 240, current 1280 x 800, maximum 1280 x 800
> default connected 1280x800+0+0 0mm x 0mm
>    1280x800       50.0*
>    1024x768       51.0
>    960x540        52.0
>    840x525        53.0
>    800x600        54.0
>    800x512        55.0
>    720x450        56.0
>    680x384        57.0     58.0
>    640x512        59.0
>    640x480        60.0     61.0
>    576x432        62.0
>    512x384        63.0
>    400x300        64.0
>    320x240        65.0

Yeah (AFAICT) xrandr only knows about what X knows, which takes it from
the kernel. You could try booting with something like video=$resolution
to force something. That should get you a nice console. Then you can
play with adding a new modeline through xrandr, then selecting it for
the appropriate output. Quite a workaround, but that might help you get
a working system for better use until the actual issue (if any) is found
& solved.


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