ok, I've done testing:

1) removing Option "GLXVBlank" "on" from xorg.conf remove hangs on old driver. 2) Putting back that option and compiling new nouveau from link below fix hangs.

 xserver-xorg-video-nouveau                     1:1.0.1-4

Some strange side effect: there is small colorfull noise between location changes in game. Kinda unusuall, but don't crash or broke anything.

Outside that all other works fine.

On Sat, 10 Nov 2012, Sven Joachim wrote:

On 2012-11-10 00:59 +0100, amarao wrote:

Fatal server error:
[ 90638.275] Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting
[ 90638.275]
[ 90638.276]

After that there is constant flood of messages from 'EQ overflow continuing'

This is essentially the same backtrace that you already reported in
#686474, sorry for not having followed up on that.  It seems that this
is triggered by enabling the "GLXVBlank" option in xorg.conf, and that
there is a fix in version 1.0.3¹.  I'll see to include this in the
Debian package.

OK, I'll disable it and try to play for some time to see if problems

It would be even better if you could apply the attached patch or build
the package from git¹.  I don't have time this weekend, but I intend to
upload in a few days after asking what other fixes might be suitable
for wheezy.



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