On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 01:17:52 +0100, Cyril Brulebois wrote:

> Hi,
> recent issues with alioth[1] reminded me of this little crontab entry of
> mine on wagner to keep the web pages in sync with what's in git:
>   0 * * * * timeout -k 180 90 sh -c "cd /home/groups/pkg-xorg/xorg.git/ && 
> git fetch && git reset --hard origin/xsf-docs >/dev/null && make -C xsf-docs 
> html >/dev/null"
> I'd be happy if someone could arrange something permanent (no longer
> user specific), or at least take over this bit from me.
>  1. 
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-infrastructure-announce/2013/11/msg00000.html
I've taken over this entry on the new alioth.


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