No worries.

It turns out that the problem was the "Color Format" of my screen. Dunno
what that is, but it was configuring poorly and the open source driver
seems happier when it is set to RGB rather than YCbCr. Maybe Catalyst is a
bit more forgiving or maybe there is some configuration issue here I don't

My problem is solved; there may still be a minor bug here in how the
auto-configuration of the driver works.

Owen Riddy
Mobile: 040 163 2663


On 18 May 2015 at 17:41, Michel Dänzer <> wrote:

> On 18.05.2015 16:28, Owen Riddy wrote:
> > I have not, but if I reboot the computer to an install of Jessie using
> > fglrx the tinge is not present; and it appeared shortly after updating
> > to Jessie + unstable. I'll try a few things with the cable & report back
> > if any of them have an impact, but the fglrx test suggests this problem
> > is 100% fixable in software.
> I guess I misunderstood the comments about fglrx in your original
> report. I agree it's probably a software bug then, though it's more
> likely in the kernel driver than in the Xorg driver.
> --
> Earthling Michel Dänzer               |     
> Libre software enthusiast             |             Mesa and X developer

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