Catch the latest news at the X Strike Force page (URL below in my .sig).

No, there aren't .debs ready for download yet, but there will be soon.
Remember, they will be HIGHLY experimental, and intended only for the VERY
BRAVE and the VERY PATIENT.  They will be intended for people who want to
help get these packages ship-shape for our users, not people who want
XFree86 4.0.1 because it is the latest toy.

If possible, I am going to set up a simple, static web server on my
development box at work so people can poke their noses into my XFree86
4.0.1 tree and get an idea of how things are progressing.

Thanks to those who have been understanding and patient while I moved and
changed jobs.  No thanks to those who have been nagging and couldn't be
bothered to read any of the README's that tell them where to look for the
latest X news.  I'll have my email situation straightened out over the next
couple of days, and, after catching up on what will by then be about 5000
backlogged messages, I should be back into my old routines.

G. Branden Robinson             |    The basic test of freedom is perhaps
Debian GNU/Linux                |    less in what we are free to do than in
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              |    what we are free not to do. |    -- Eric Hoffer

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