On Thu, Jul 27, 2000 at 02:47:25PM +0200, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:
>  I'm two minds about this.  Yes, the architecture of the new X server
>  is better.  What I'm getting out of it is not.  I have to sit down,
>  reread docs, and figure out why, but the 16 bpp mode suffers from
>  severe dithering on my hardware (G400).

Yes, I've seen a big thread about this on xfree86-devel.  It's being worked

>  The much promotioned OpenGL support is still in development, which is
>  the other reason I annoyed you so much about the .diff.gz -- I want to
>  persue automatic building out of cvs of the relevant stuff for Debian.
>  On that respect, utah-glx is still faster/easier to install/better
>  looking/whatever.

Well, like I said, I have no intention to kill the 3.x servers in general
for woody.  What I *was* going to do was kill the server binaries or SVGA
modules for all hardware that had at least unaccelerated support in 4.0.

I could be persuaded to change my criteria.  What servers and SVGA modules
are built is a matter of editing one .cf file.

G. Branden Robinson             |        "To be is to do"   -- Plato
Debian GNU/Linux                |        "To do is to be"   -- Aristotle
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              |        "Do be do be do"   -- Sinatra
http://www.debian.org/~branden/ |

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