I've now installed the XFree86 4.0.1-0phase1v18 packages. The upgrade from
3.3.6 was a bit bumpy, of course, but the README file had warned me about
that. Some of the questions I had afterwards have already been answered on
this list, so I won't ask them again. The questions that remain for me are:

(An alternative answer to some of these questions is, "Well that's what you
get for trying to install 4.0.1 on your own instead of waiting for the
Debian packages." because that's what I did just after 4.0.1 was released.
Just thought I should mention that.)

* Where should "this program works differently with XFree86 4.0.1 than with
  XFree86 3.3.6"-errors be reported? Here, to the XFree86 project, or to
  the maintainer of that program? (An example - one of a few - of this
  would be, "if I use xmessage the text box will appear to be empty until
  I've resized the window to be at least one pixel taller." In this case,
  of course, the maintainer of the program would be someone in the XFree86
  project, but that's not always the case.)

* If I have to report an error outside of this list it would be useful to
  know exactly which version of XFree86 I'm using. Some things lead me to
  believe that it's not 4.0.1 but a later CVS snapshot. Is that right?

* The xserver-svga package used to provide xserver, but xserver-xfree86
  doesn't. Since there is only one X server package now I can see how this
  could be intentional. The only package where this caused a problem for me
  was task-x-window-system-core, and I thought I saw a new version of that
  one while checking the Debian FTP earlier today, so this may already have
  been fixed. (Of course, the Internet connection chooses this particular
  moment to fail mysteriously, so I can't check.)

* My xterm is now white text on a black background. Is that intentional, or
  is it related to the app-defaults thread? I noticed that it doesn't seem
  to pay any attention to my /etc/X11/app-defaults/XTerm.

* I know it's Debian policy that *-dev packages contain static versions of
  their libraries, but in the case of xlib6g-dev I do wish it was still
  possible to not install them since they are bloody huge. Is there some
  clever way of doing this that I have missed? (I haven't used Debian for
  very long yet, but if there's one thing I've learned about UNIX over the
  years it is that the command-line tools almost always are capable of a
  lot more than I thought they were. :-)

Sorry if these questions have already been asked and I just missed them.

Torbjörn Andersson

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