On Fri, 15 Sep 2000, Robert Ramiega wrote:

>  Than i made just one thing: changed /etc/X11/Xserver to point to XFree86
> from the tarball and all started to work again.
>  While using Xfree86 from debs i noticed this line in logfile:
> (II) Defaulting to XFree86/Linux keycode handling.  
>  Could this cause problems ? If so how can I (help) fix that ?

   Yeap thats the problem, looking at Franz's patch it seems that if
keyboard_sends_linux_keycodes doesn't exist, the server assumes AT keycodes.
I am not sure how to handle APUS as well, even the pmac test through xkb
will only work if xkb is enabled (not always the case), i think it should
be better to handle all the cases through the config file although it will
make it harder for the users :(


    FILE *f;
    f = fopen("/proc/sys/dev/mac_hid/keyboard_sends_linux_keycodes","r");
    if (f)
      if (fgetc(f) != '0')
       xf86Msg (X_INFO, "Using XFree86/Linux keycode handling.\n");
       kbdStdKeycodes = 1;
       xf86Msg (X_INFO, "Using deprecated Macintosh keycodes.\n");
       kbdStdKeycodes = 0;

      if (xf86Info.xkbkeycodes && !strcmp(xf86Info.xkbkeycodes, "macintosh"))
       xf86Msg (X_INFO, "XkbKeycodes setting is \"%s\", using deprecated 
Macintosh keycodes.\n", xf86Info.xkbkeycodes);
       kbdStdKeycodes = 0;
      else if (xf86Info.xkbmodel && !strcmp(xf86Info.xkbmodel, "macintosh_old"))
       xf86Msg (X_INFO, "XkbModel setting is \"%s\", using deprecated Macintosh 
keycodes.\n", xf86Info.xkbmodel);
       kbdStdKeycodes = 0;
       xf86Msg (X_INFO, "Defaulting to XFree86/Linux keycode handling.\n");
       kbdStdKeycodes = 1;

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