On Sun, 09 Feb 2020 09:17:49 +0100 Michael Biebl <bi...@debian.org> wrote:

> Device:           SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad
> Kernel:           /dev/input/event5
> Group:            8
> Seat:             seat0, default
> Size:             74x43mm
> Capabilities:     pointer gesture
> Tap-to-click:     disabled
> Tap-and-drag:     enabled
> Tap drag lock:    disabled
> Left-handed:      disabled
> Nat.scrolling:    disabled
> Middle emulation: disabled
> Calibration:      n/a
> Scroll methods:   *two-finger edge
> Click methods:    *button-areas clickfinger
> Disable-w-typing: enabled
> Accel profiles:   none
> Rotation:         n/a

I re-installed 1.15.1 and here's the same output

Device:           SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad
Kernel:           /dev/input/event5
Group:            8
Seat:             seat0, default
Size:             53x24mm
Capabilities:     pointer gesture
Tap-to-click:     disabled
Tap-and-drag:     enabled
Tap drag lock:    disabled
Left-handed:      disabled
Nat.scrolling:    disabled
Middle emulation: disabled
Calibration:      n/a
Scroll methods:   *two-finger edge
Click methods:    *button-areas clickfinger
Disable-w-typing: enabled
Accel profiles:   none
Rotation:         n/a

Notice how the size is much smaller.
I suspect what happens is, that when I swipe into the outer areas
libinput simply ignores those events due to the wrong dimensions.

74x43mm appears like the correct size, 53x24mm is way too small

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