On Mon, Oct 16, 2000 at 12:39:25AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
> severity 72041 normal
> severity 72135 normal
> severity 70750 normal
> thanks
> These are not release-critical problems.  All are in reference to the 3.x
> branch of XFree86, which not actively maintained.  Patches for Hurd support
> in 4.x are welcome, as will be a bug report against the 4.x server for
> crashing problems; but please wait until 4.x .debs are officially released.

The packages don't build on the Hurd. Bugs which cause the package to not
build on some architecture have always been considered as bugs of severity
"important". It's unfortunate that the BTS doesn't make a difference between
released and unreleased architectures [1] and maintained and not maintained
packages, but this is not a sound reason to strip the severity.

In other words, please reverse the severity change. I have talked to Steve,
and he will incorporate my patches and then they can be properly closed.


[1] We don't even know if the Hurd will or won't be released with the next
Debian version.

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