I've chosen another configuration to regain the exclamation mark with
sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration

Among GNOME settings, I have three choices available:
Français Azerty
Français Azerty (AFNOR)

the two firsts displays with ` under the 7 (and Français as also an 1/8 sign at 
the key upper top), but ` of the <alt-right>-7 isn't a dead key and doesn't 
produce a À.
the last one, Français Azerty (AFNOR), makes the <alt-right>-7 produce a _ sign 
(or something like similar) that is a dead key!

Français Azerty
don't fire dead keys on the first row of keys

Français Azerty (AFNOR)
does. Strange...

De : "Simon McVittie" <s...@debian.org>
A : 
Envoyé: lundi 10 Juin 2024 11:27
Objet : Re: Bug#1072720: libglib2.0-0: Following fix #1070745, typing `A keys 
doesn't type an À anymore
On Mon, 10 Jun 2024 at 05:48:44 +0200, gru...@laposte.net wrote:
> I did a
> $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration

This changes the keyboard layout that is used for the login screen, and
for any session that does not have its own, separate configuration.
It does not change the keyboard layout for sessions that have already
saved their own session-specific configuration.

> $ dconf dump /org/gnome/desktop/input-sources/
> [/]
> show-all-sources=false
> sources=[('xkb', 'fr+azerty')]
> xkb-options=['lv3:ralt_switch']

Your personal GNOME configuration is still using fr+azerty. If you want
a different layout while you are logged in to GNOME, you will need to
reconfigure that in the Settings application (gnome-control-center).

If you want to reset the layout used within GNOME to match the layout
used by the login screen, you can run

dconf reset /org/gnome/desktop/input-sources/sources

and then log out and back in.

> On logscreen then, and still now, I have the french keyboard
> BUT with the ! (exclamation mark) replaced by the ; (semicolon)

That's the AFNOR layout that you selected. Several other punctuation marks
are in different places in the AFNOR layout: see
for details.

If you don't want the punctuation to move around in this way, then you
should not select the AFNOR variant.

https://norme-azerty.fr/ shows "AZERTY traditionnel" which is something
similar to the layout you were previously using, and
"Nouvel AZERTY" which is the layout that is labelled as AFNOR in Debian.


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