How do you measure the framespeed of gears?


Karl Hammar                    Aspö Data           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Sweden                                                       Consulting

From: Goran Ristic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 100% loss 3D Speed
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2000 05:20:06 +0100

> Anyway I´d like to ask, where this difference comes from. I matters
> for me, seeing the gears rotate with 850FPS, or with maximal 400FPS.
> And I´d like to know, if it is possible to increase the speed
> performance again? - Or am I only in luck with a ´broken´ package?
> -- 
> Regards, GR              | GnuPG-key avaible
> Can't forget you, Muck.  | or mail -s 'get gpg-key'
> "Mach kein TOFU (Text oben Fullqoute unten). ;)"

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