On Thu, Nov 30, 2000 at 11:59:19PM +0100, Otto Wyss wrote:
> > > Goodness; what a horrible .signature. That would be a real incentive for
> > > me to find a different employer. :) [Branden: it isn't Craig that you
> > >
> Sorry if I had known, that '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' gets relayed to
> debian-x, I wouldn't have sent it. Usually I send everything first at my
> home address and than out to the world.

It doesn't, Branden forwards it to the list as he is far too busy to answer
every mail sent to him personally regarding the Xfree packages, especially
for every little issue which his system may or may not have (such as, for
example, USB).

Joshua Shagam                  /"\ ASCII Ribbon Campaign
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           \ / No HTML/RTF in email
www.cs.nmsu.edu/~joshagam       X  No Word docs in email
mp3.com/fluffyporcupine        / \ Respect for open standards

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