Sounds like you've got the exact same hardware that I do, Asus A7V, Duron
700, Matrox G200 (or some kind of MGA card), kernel 2.4.0test10 and rest
assured that this hardware works extremely well with woody and the
2.4.0test10. I can honestly can say that, I've never seen my system work so
well, including power management which never worked right for me before.

Now, on to your problem, the solid crash.

Here are few pointers.

   * Don't overclock bus speed in the bios unless you're ready to do some
     soldering on your Duron. - (Not recommended)
   * If you're using the font servers (xfs or xfstt), make sure they are
     running before you start X. XFree86 left my video card in unworkable
     state if any of font servers were not working.
   * Use the MGA driver that comes with the distribution. The driver from the
     Matrox site is unstable and only does DGA 1.0
   * In your kernel setup, turn on the following

          <M> /dev/agpgart (AGP Support)
          [*]   VIA chipset support
          [*] Direct Rendering Manager (XFree86 DRI support)
          <M>   Matrox g200/g400

          and for safety measure turn on

          [*] Magic SysRq key

          it will get you out of some nasty situations.

Be careful with 3D apps. The gears and sprongies screen savers work find but
lament will hang X and put your video card in a weird state and you'll have
to reboot.

Good luck.


Frederik Vanrenterghem wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been trying to get my comp running X, but with no success this
> far. I'm running the latest 2.2.18pre from Woody, and I've tried both
> mga_drv.o from Woody and from the Matrox website. Also, I've tried playing
> with some options in XF86Config-4, all with no luck.
> Every time I do startx, the computer locks hard and requires a manual
> reset (not very fun to do). Also, the Dell P790 monitor goes blank, saying
> something about the frequency (I've had this on my other box with the same
> monitor often while switching from VT7 with X to another VT. Switching
> back to VT7 and after that trying again to switch to the other VT solves
> that always)
> I've tried recompiling the kernel (a 2.4.0test10), but that didn't work
> out, probably due to my Asus A7V motherboard or Duron 700 CPU or
> something.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated, 'cause I've sold my other box
> already, and I would like to have some X functionality on my new one ;)
> Greetings,
> Frederik
> (in attachment: log file of latest attempt, and XF86Config-4)
> --
> The seven year itch comes from fooling around during the fourth, fifth,
> and sixth years.
>   -------------------------------------------------------
>                    Name: XF86Config-4
>    XF86Config-4    Type: Plain Text (TEXT/PLAIN)
>                Encoding: BASE64
>                     Name: XFree86.0.log
>    XFree86.0.log    Type: Plain Text (TEXT/PLAIN)
>                 Encoding: BASE64

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