Hey all,

First of all, excellent job on the XFree 4.x debs. 

I am, however, running into a strange problem with XFree, Matrox and
dual-head. I have tried the XFree 4.0.1-1 -4 and -9 debs and have not found
the cause. 

I'm running woody on a machine with the following config:

Dual PIII/500
Matrox G200/8MB at 1:0:0
Matrox Millenium II/4MB at 0:18:0
Dual Sony Trinitron G500 21" monitors
XFree86 4.0.1-0phase2v30 debs

Before the debs were released, I ended up getting XFree86 4.0.0 and
compiling from source. I did not notice the problems I am encountering now
with the source install.

When I rebuilt the box and installed the .debs of 4.0.1, I started having a
problem with the dual heads. I created a bunch of double-sized backgrounds
for X by pasting two regular images together. I noticed after I got back up
and running that the root window, desktop 0 in enlightenment wasn't
behaving right. Instead of having different pictures on each monitor, I had
the same one on both. Other desktops were behaving normally. On desktop 0,
if I open an Eterm with a transparent background, it displays the correct
image beneath it.

I thought this might be a problem with Enlightenment, but then, as I got the 
machine configured to my liking, I noticed that the image I was using for my
xdm login (which was a normal-sized image that xinerama was stretching to fit
the two desktops) was doing the same thing. The left half of the stretched
image was displayed on the right screen in the xdm login.

I tried going in to the Enlightenment config and chose a background image
that I could tile. The image fit on each screen exactly 2 1/2 times. In
theory, this image would be displayed twice on the left screen, then one
column would span the monitors. In reality, what was happening was instead
of displaying the second half of the spanned portion of the image, the
right monitor was displaying a mirror of the left image. Again, an Eterm
would display the correct image. I have a screencap of this desktop I can
post if it helps visualization.

Sorry about the verbose delivery, but I'm trying to give a good mental
picture of the problem...

Anything you can suggest?

Bradley M. Alexander, CISSP              |   Co-Chairman,
Beowulf System Admin/Security Specialist |    NoVALUG/DCLUG Security SIG
Winstar Telecom                          |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(703) 889-1049                           |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"OVER?!? Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?"
                                                        --John Blutarsky

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