Ah, now I understand.  /etc/Xserver is no longer used.
I edited /etc/Xwrapper.config and put allowed_users=console
as the first line and my startx problems disappeared.
I'm just reiterating it to make it easier to find for 
everyone else with startx unauthorized user problem.

On Thu, 7 Dec 2000, Branden Robinson wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 07, 2000 at 04:13:04PM -0800, Seth Arnold wrote:
> > Branden, could you add a comment line to the Xwrapper.config file to the
> > effect of, ``Valid values are: root, console, everybody'' -- I wasn't
> > sure when this one hit me, so I guessed (and got it right, but
> > self-documenting config files are nice :).
> No, because it would make my parser too complicated.
> I will, however, write a manpage for the file when I get around to it.

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