On Mon, 11 Dec 2000, Seth Arnold wrote:

>Terry, a few quick comments -- first, Utah-glx is in the past. While
>their work may have been nifty at one point, and for people running
>3.3.x perhaps necessary, XF 4.0.1 has a *much* easier GL system.

This is about poor forethought.  I complained months ago about how the X
team was moving to lock out utah-glx.  Utah has more users than DRI - why
do this?  I woke up from an overnight upgrade of gtk to find my X install
made unusable.

The point is I need utah to delevop and run Open GL apps, until DRI
matures - by making utah uninstallable and not accounting for an installed
utah - branden has effectively banned it.

You might want utah to play tribes2 or run a modeler one day too.


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