Branden Robinson:

BR> There are lots of ways to preserve artistic integrity.  It's
BR> perfectly compatible with the DFSG to, for instance, require that
BR> modified versions change the name of the relevant
BR> (font|executable|data file), to include a disclaimer in the
BR> copyright info about the software's modified status, etc.

Would it be poor etiquette to forward a digest of this discussion to
Charles Bigelow?

BR> The philosophical tenets at issue are whether freedom to modify
BR> what is installed one's computer is valuable in and of itself, and
BR> whether being able to share my modification with my friends,
BR> family, co-workers, etc. is a value.

Right.  This is what I tried to express when, in my previous mail, I
contrasted technical and pragmatic issues with ideological ones.

BR> [we] ensure that Debian packages are highly cooperative with each
BR> other and well-integrated, and we have made many efforts over the
BR> years to construct infrastructure that permits them to be so.

As a user of Debian, I am well aware of this.  (Yet Another Happy Customer).

BR> However, I suggest you formulate the wording you would like to
BR> see, join the debian-project mailing list, see if you can recruit
BR> some backing for your position, and (if you are not a Debian
BR> Developer) locate someone who is willing to submit it as a General
BR> Resolution, at which time it can be handled on the debian-vote
BR> list.

It was a conscious decision that I should not join the Debian project.
There is only so much time that I can spend on Free Software, and I am
not willing to have the duties of a Debian maintainer cut on my work

Thank you for your suggestion, Branden, but this is way more than what
I am willing to do in Debian.  I can only hope that somebody more
involved within Debian than I am will agree with me and go through the
necessary process; failing that, I hope that somebody, perhaps even
you, will get the fonts under discussion into Non-Free.



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