Looking at various bug reports, I find myself mighty confused.

Checking XFree86 CVS, I have confirmed that the numeric reordering
hack for core fonts did go into 4.1.0 (fontdir.c, 3.15 through 3.17,
3.17 is tagged all of xf-4_1_99_1, xf-4_1_0-bindist, xf-4_1_0,
xf-4_1-branch, xf-4_0_99_902, xf-4_0_99_901, xf-4_0_99_900,
dhd-20010817, HEAD).

On the other hand, Debian bug reports seem to indicate that the Gtk+
problems did appear with 4.1.0.  This definitely doesn't make sense to

I only see three possible explanations.  Either the upstream
workaround is wrong, or Branden used an earlier version for 4.1.0
(rather unlikely), or else there's something misleading in Branden's
packages that makes people install the iso10646-1 fonts without the
corresponding 8859-1 ones.

Could someone who can see the problem please send me the output of, say,

  xlsfonts -u -fn '-misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--17-*-75-75-c-*-*-*'

It most definitely does The Right Thing for me running upstream CVS.


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