On Thu, Aug 08, 2002 at 11:17:07PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 09, 2002 at 06:08:56AM +0200, Juergen Kreileder wrote:
> > The TrueType fonts from xfree86-truetype-fonts[1] are in
> > xfree86-nonfree-truetype[2].  xft[3] contains the new Xft stuff from
> > http://keithp.com/fonts/, AFAIK it's not available in a Debian package
> > yet.
> Ah, that stuff.
> I've been watching Keith's commit messages with great interest.  It does
> look like cool stuff but he's still chasing the bugs out of it.

Thanks for the info guys. Next time, I'll just look more closely at
the rpm. I figured there was just some reason it wasn't included. I'm
a little bit familiar with the patent problems associated with
truetype fonts and apple, so I thought that this might be the

Tomorrow when I have a redhat machine handy, I'll take a look at the
copyright on those fonts. 

> I'd rather wait until Keith has given some indication that the code is
> stable before I'd even want to consider patching up to it.
> Most likely, the best approach is just to get it with the rest of 4.3.0
> when that is released.

Don't you think that we could include it now in testing or in
unstable? I'll probably be making a deb package for it for lindows, so
if you're interested, let me know and I'll post it somewhere so people
can test it. 


michael cardenas
lead software engineer
"Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement 
of one's values."
- Ayn Rand

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