> > for inexpensive hardware. However, as soon as X is loaded and a window
> > is perturbed, the sound card goes insane.
> > Now, if I remember my history, PCI video card manufacturers discovered
> > at some point that they could lengthen the little bars produced by
> > WinBench by a few percent if they wrote blindly to the instruction
> > queue on the video card.
> Exactly.
> > I can't imagine that Branden had anything to do with this, so is
> > probably an upstream problem.
> Yep.  Try adding ``Option "PciRetry" "true"'' to your Device section.
> Upstream is trying to be benchmark- rather than user-friendly.
> (To expand on that: the XFree86 4 client scheduler specially optimises
> the case of a single client.  That only happens when benchmarking.)
>                                         Juliusz

I have the same motherboard with their fanless 533MHz processor.
The system has the problem that switching to text console and back
(c-a-f1, a-f9) makes the screen dark (as if it was off), and after
a little fiddling trying different options, look as if the horizontal
lines are not properly synced and the screen is darker.

  Blindly trying things:

Lowering HorizSync or VertRefresh or setting or clearing NoPciBurst,
PciRetry, CyberShadow, or CyberStretch gives me the not synced look.

Setting NoAccel, NoMMIO, ShadowFB, or SWcursor to "true" gives you a
dark screen (the monitor behaves as if the computer is powered off).

Do anyone have any suggestions.
I use this as an potential netbooting, no noise, low cost xterminal. 


Karl Hammar                    Aspö Data           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lilla Aspö 2340             +46  173 140 57                    Networks
S-742 94 Östhammar          +46 18 26 09 00                   Computers
Sweden                     +46  10 270 26 67                 Consulting

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