
I seem to run into a snag with one of my machines here:
Often, when my UI is drawing, it doesn't completely draw it. I'm using Gnome2, but observed this behaviour with GTK1.2 and 2 apps. For instance, the Gnome Foot menu doesn't show all the entries immediately (only the first 4 or so), and only draws them when I go over them. Other times, for instance when I'm browsing using Dillo, it only draws every odd line.

X output says:


waiting for X server to shut down ..

The hardware is quite slow, because it's a Toshiba chipset that doesn't have UDMA ide IO support. Graphics Card is a Chips and Technologies F65554 (rev c2), processor a P166MMX, memory 64MB. HD is a IBM in MDMA2 mode.

When X is running with Gnome2, there's about 23MB used according to memstat.

I have the impression that the timeouts seem to happen most often when trying to do several things at the time or when there's disk activity.
Any tips?


-- Mourad

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