On Mon, Jan 27, 2003 at 04:11:33PM +0100, Eduard Bloch wrote:
> #include <hallo.h>
> * Branden Robinson [Sun, Jan 26 2003, 04:18:09PM]:
> > > What is your problem with my attitude? As said before, my Priority are
> > > Our Users and Free Software, see Social Contract. Not personal warfares,
> > > no faulty decissions ruled by semi-technical (but personal) problems.
> > 
> > This may come as a deep shock to you, but your personal opinions on how
> > Debian can best serve its users and free software are not shared by
> > everyone else in the project.
> Hehe. If more people would agree with you more often, you would be the
> DPL now.

Not necessarily, and wholly irrelevant to this line of discussion.  In
any event, I'd rather lose a popularity contest if to win it means
sacrificing my sense of integrity.

> I hope this does not sound slighting.

As opposed to many of the other remarks you make about me and my

> Sure, everybody can say that he is right and his idea is the one that
> better fits into the Social Contract. But OTOH I showed that your
> failure caused a violation of it.

...in your interpretation.  I do not see how refusing to violate the freeze
guidelines set down by the Release Manager is a personal failure on my
part to satisfy the Social Contract.  I also do not see how not
optimizing upstream code with a patch that, to my knowledge, doesn't
even exist yet is a personal failure on my part to satisfy the contract.

No, nothing you've said gives me any impression other than that you feel
that pursuit of your personal goals and priorities are the only way any
Debian developer can abide by the Social Contract.

> You may be pissed and start with personal attacks,

I have not done so.  Fallacious claims of ad hominem attacks are at
least as irrational as ad homimem attacks themselves.

> but this is not a solution and only an ugly way to make people shut
> up.

This is a makeweight assertion which does absolutely nothing in service
of what I presume is your point ("Font loading extremely slow with the
UTF-8 locale").

> > I suggest you have a talk with the Release Manager, then.  It's his call
> > to say "no new upstream versions" when we're in a freeze.
> Will do, when the time comes. The gradual freeze caused more problems
> then it ever should.

...in your opinion.  Why are the decisions of the Release Manager my

> > You may also want to speak with the Stable Release Manager and determine
> > under what circumstances he would allow a new upstream version of
> > XFree86 into a point release of Debian 3.0.
> Stable is Stable, and you know it. I favorize the idea of Working
> Branch, but without support of RM and FTP maintainers, it is not easy to
> implement it.

Why are the decisions of the Release Manager and FTP admins my problem?

If I were DPL, I would have more responsibility for such things.  Maybe
you take your grievances to the person who was elected to that office,
and not to random package maintainers.

> > Irrelevant.  Is Knoppix's XFree86 4.2.1 faster at loading the UTF-8
> > fonts than Debian's XFree86 4.2.1 is?  If so, I detect an opportunity
> > for someone to create a patch and file a wishlist bug.  Alternatively,
> > you can eschew the collaborative process altogether, switch to Knoppix
> > exclusively, and tell everyone who'll listen to you to do the same.
> I will try tonight and try to locate the reason if it performs better.

I look forward to it, since this would be the first substantiation of
your claim amid the sea of irrelvant assertions you have offered.

> But comes that you are so keen on degrading the reputation of Knoppix?

I have done no such thing.  Quite the contrary, I've posited the
possibility that their UTF-8 font loading is faster than Debian's.  I
leave it up to you to support or refute that possibility.

> Because it shipped with working modules (read: those from XFree4.2)
> while Woody could not support one-year-old Geforce4 when released?

Why are the decisions of the Release Manager my problem?  Who prevented
you from packaging XFree86 4.2.0 in January 2002 and releasing "Bloch
Linux", an enhanced version of Debian GNU/Linux with XFree86 modules
that "work"?

Moreover, what does Woody's release schedule and contents have to do
with the speed of XFree86 4.2.1's UTF-8 font loading?

Can you pick a point and stick to it, please?

G. Branden Robinson                |      When dogma enters the brain, all
Debian GNU/Linux                   |      intellectual activity ceases.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |      -- Robert Anton Wilson
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |

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