On Fri, Feb 28, 2003 at 10:28:31AM -0500, Daniel Burrows wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 28, 2003 at 01:40:09AM -0500, Branden Robinson <[EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
> > Well, let's have a look at the code, shall we?  Shell scripts are not
> > rocket science.
> > 
> > # use fbcon kernel functions?
> > if [ -e /proc/fb ]; then
> >   if [ -n "$(cat /proc/fb)" ]; then
> >     auto_answer db_input high xserver-xfree86/config/device/use_fbdev "true"
> >   fi
> > else
> >   db_get xserver-xfree86/config/device/use_fbdev || debug_report_status 
> > "db_get xserver-xfree86/config/device/use_fbdev" "$?"
> >   if [ "$RET" = "true" ]; then
> >     debug_echo "xserver-xfree86/config/device/use_fbdev is \"true\" but 
> > /proc/fb does not exist; setting template to \"false\""
> >     db_set xserver-xfree86/config/device/use_fbdev false
> >   fi
> > fi
> > 
> > Before you jump all over that "auto_answer" thing, hold your horses:
>   [snip]
>   It doesn't matter -- what I was trying to say (not very clearly)
> earlier is that /proc/fb exists but is empty; thus, all the questions
> above are skipped.  "auto_answer" never runs.

You're confusing me.  "All the questions above"?  There is only one:


Here's the same stuff translated to psuedocode

If the framebuffer proc thing exists:
  If the framebuffer proc thing says anything:
    Assume the X server wants to use it, asking the user if possible
  Find out if the X server is currently configured to use the framebuffer 
  If it is:
    Force it to shut off

>   I think I may have set the option at some point in the past, and now
> the script won't let me change it.
>   *pokes around*
>   aha.  If I manually load the framebuffer driver, then (after I get
> control over my console -- seems loading the driver while X is running
> is not such a hot idea) X works with "usefbdev", and the config script
> gives me the option to disable use of the framebuffer.  Oh, and /proc/fb
> contains actual data.
>   Is there a good reason to leave the setting alone if /proc/fb is
> empty?  AIUI this corresponds to "no available framebuffer devices", and
> so silently preserving a pre-existing "true" value doesn't make sense.
> (at the least, asking seems like a good idea)

Yes, it would appear that I shouldn't have nested those first two ifs,
but rather anded them together, e.g.:

> > if [ -e /proc/fb ]; then
> >   if [ -n "$(cat /proc/fb)" ]; then

should be:

if [ -e /proc/fb -a -n "$(cat /proc/fb)" ]; then

...that way the "else" catches *either* of those tests failing, not just
the first.

If you could test that change, I would appreciate it.  Turn that
use_fbdev option back on, unload the driver, and dpkg-reconfigure with
the above change applied to /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xfree86.config.

What should happen is that use_fbdev will be forced off, *and* you won't
be asked about it.

Michel, before I have can have fix that's good enough for
4.2.1-7/4.3.0-1 I need to know how to detect and avoid doing this for
the "generic" framebuffer devices.

G. Branden Robinson                |       The only way to get rid of a
Debian GNU/Linux                   |       temptation is to yield to it.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |       -- Oscar Wilde
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |

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