hiya people,

just to recap: i agreed with herbert to patch my 2.4.20 kernel
to include some debugging information in the ps/2 module, but
since then have not compiled up a 2.4.20 kernel for my machine
(running with the "standard" debian 2.4.20 i am not sure what
to do, so have left it).

once this gets sufficiently psychologically intolerable to do
work i will suddenly go compiling instead of working.


On Fri, Apr 18, 2003 at 07:33:17PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:

> > i really really hope that this can be resolved, because in the very
> > near future i will downgrade to xfree86 version 3 in order to be
> > able to continue using my machine.
> I have experienced the same thing on my iBook 600 MHz when trying to use
> the trackpad while using cdparanoia to rip digital audio from the
> internal DVD-ROM/CD-RW drive.
> I honestly don't know how the X server could be at fault in this
> situation.
> However, in my experience it seldom does any good for me to reassign
> bugs like this to the kernel, because Herbert will assign them back to
> me until overwhelming evidence is brought to bear that it's a kernel
> problem.
> See, e.g., <http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=121335>.
> (In this case, Herbert insisted that it wasn't a kernel problem until
> the kernel developers upstream disagreed with him after receiving
> independent reports.)
> I am sorry I don't have much information to offer you in this matter.
> -- 
> G. Branden Robinson                |    Freedom is kind of a hobby with me,
> Debian GNU/Linux                   |    and I have disposable income that
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |    I'll spend to find out how to get
> http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |    people more of it. -- Penn Jillette

expecting email to be received and understood is a bit like
picking up the telephone and immediately dialing without
checking for a dial-tone; speaking immediately without listening
for either an answer or ring-tone; hanging up immediately and
then expecting someone to call you (and to be able to call you).
every day, people send out email expecting it to be received
without being tampered with, read by other people, delayed or
simply - without prejudice but lots of incompetence - destroyed.
please therefore treat email more like you would a CB radio
to communicate across the world (via relaying stations):
ask and expect people to confirm receipt; send nothing that
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