>>>>>   Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> On Fri, Jun 06, 2003 at 07:24:25PM +0900, ISHIKAWA Mutsumi wrote:
>> > 
>> >  I've just added a memo under people/ishikawa/ about FreeType backend
>> > build problem when defined FontLibSharedFreeType=YES.
>> > 
>> >  I want to merge this change into branches/4.3.0/sid/debian/rules.
>> > 
>> >  Any comments?

>> It's fine, but please commit another change that places a comment line
>> right above SERVERDEBUG_IMAKE_DEFINES describing why it's there and when
>> it's safe to remove that definition.
>> Alternatively, commit a placeholder comment like this:
>> # XXX: BR needs to write explanation of why we're setting
>> # FontLibSharedFreeType in anal-rententive English

 OK, I'll do this.

>> I got a report in private mail (grrr) from a person who ran into the
>> very problem you describe, so I appreciate you tracking this down and
>> fixing it.  Your analysis looks reasonable and I agree with your
>> solution.

 Sorry, I found my mistakes by my self.

 1) PS_FontInfoRec did not change between FreeeType 2.1.3 and
    2.1.4. It makes after FreeType 2.1.4 release (please see

 2) I forgot the architecture which does not support XFree86
    DynamicLoader (e.g hppa, mips). On the environment,
    DoLoadableServer is always defained as NO. So, it is not
    enough to set  FontLibSharedFreeType=NO for building XFree86-dbg.

 * BuildFreeType and UseFreetype2 is always YES for all
   Debian environment.

 * On LoadableServer supportted environment
   (i386,alpha,sparc and so on):

     Building Normal Server
       DoLoadableServer is defined as YES, so FontLibSharedFreeType
      is automatically defined as NO

     Building Debug Server
       DoLoadableServer is defined as NO, so FontLibSharedFreeType
      is automatically defined as YES.

  * On LoadableServer unsupportted environment
    (hppa, mips and so on):

     Building Normal Server
       DoLoadableServer is defined as NO, so FontLibSharedFreeType
      is automatically defined as YES

     Building Debug Server
       DoLoadableServer is defined as NO, so FontLibSharedFreeType
      is automatically defined as YES

  * Building FontLibShareFreeType cause problem, because of
    FreeType2's PS_FontInfoRec interafece change.

  * For debugging purpose, Normal Server and Debug server
    should use same Freetype library (both use external one
    or both use XFree86 internal one).

 Current solution:
  update #003, #800 and #842 patch to always define
  FontLibSharedFreeType as NO.

 After LoaderServer becomes to be able to build with external
  (I heard Juliusz is planning this kind of hack :-)

  drops FontLibSharedFreeType as NO define. We can use
  external FreeTYpe2 library for Normal and Debug server.


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