On Tue, Jun 10, 2003 at 02:56:45PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:

> > afaik 2.4 doesn't boot on all the m68k (ex)vendors... amiga does... mac
> > does not.. :/
> That's not what I seem to recall from recent traffic on debian-68k.

But it's true, my Mac does not boot with 2.4.20, and yours probably neither.
Its just none of the mac users noticed yet. And I have no reports about
Atari, and the three VMEs. Is it important for XFree86, I mean will 4.3 only
work with a 2.4 kernel? I heard Ray Knight is trying to get some
improvements from the powerpc kernel. If somebody can make it work on Macs,
its Ray...

As for the build-failure, when I built from David's source two weeks ago, it
failed here (cut'n'paste messed up the format a bit):

# Create the xlibmesa-drm-src package.                                          
mkdir /build/cts/xfree86-4.3.0/debian/tmp/usr/src                               
mkdir -p debian/local/xlibmesa-drm-src/modules/xlibmesa-drm                     
cp -R debian/local/xlibmesa-drm-src/*
cp: cannot copy a directory, `debian/local/xlibmesa-drm-src/modules',
into itself, `debian/local/xlibmesa-drm-src/modules/xlibmesa-drm/modules'       
cp: cannot copy a directory, `debian/local/xlibmesa-drm-src/modules',
into itself, `debian/local/xlibmesa-drm-src/modules/xlibmesa-drm/modules'       
make: [debian/stampdir/install] Error 1 (ignored)                               
m4 -DOURVERSION="4.3.0-0pre1v1"
debian/local/xlibmesa-drm-src/modules/xlibmesa-drm/debian/module-changelog.m4 > 
chmod +x debian/local/xlibmesa-drm-src/modules/xlibmesa-drm/debian/rules        
cp -L
cp: omitting directory 
make: [debian/stampdir/install] Error 1 (ignored)                               
rm debian/local/xlibmesa-drm-src/modules/xlibmesa-drm/Makefile
rm: cannot remove
 No such file or directory                                                      
make: *** [debian/stampdir/install] Error 1                                     
Finished at 20030529-1826                                                       
Build needed 65:27:12, 2857764k disk space        

Is this before or after your failure? Is it from the same source or did
Daniel add the fix he suggested for this to the source?


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