> > $ xmodmap -e "pointer =3D 3 2 1 4 5"
> >=20
> > This works on a RH 6.2 machine. What's up ?
> I am not in a position to support XFree86 packages that I did not
> prepare for the Debian Project.

Fair enough, just keep it in mind when you will be packaging 4.3. To add
tothe madness, the xmodmap line works just fine when I unplug the usb to
ps-2 v-cable from which I connect an external keyboard and mouse to the
laptop. This line works correctly using the builtin touchpad and mouse

> The version number in your report indicates that you likely have XFree86
> packages in Debian format installed to your system, but they are not
> mine.
> Please re-file or reopen this report if you can reproduce this problem
> with official Debian XFree86 packages.
> --=20
> G. Branden Robinson                |
> Debian GNU/Linux                   |           //     // //  /     /
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |           EI 'AANIIGOO 'AHOOT'E
> http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |
> --ZwgA9U+XZDXt4+m+
> Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
> Content-Disposition: inline
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> =4qiO
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