On Thu, Aug 07, 2003 at 11:52:13AM +0200, Sven Luther wrote:
> Is there somewhere the 4.3.0-pre1v1 source package are available while
> they are waiting in the new queue ? I wish to build them, and try to
> work on providing the driver SDK this weekend.


> I tried building the today nightly snapshots, but they failed with the
> hunk 1 of the 003_linux.cf_and_xfree86.cf.diff patch. It failed in
> linux.cf, because the upstream tarball seem to have a :
> #if LinuxDistribution == LinuxDebian
> # define SystemManDirectory     /usr/share/man
> # define CppCmd                 cpp-3.2
> # define HasPam                 YES
> # define HasTk                  YES
> # define TkLibDir               /usr/lib
> # define TkIncDir               /usr/include
> # define TkLibName              tk8.3
> # define XF86SetupUsesStaticTk  NO
> # define HasTcl                 YES
> # define TclLibDir              /usr/lib
> # define TclIncDir              /usr/include
> # define TclLibName             tcl8.3
> # define XF86SetupUsesStaticTcl NO
> /* un-comment this when it is un-broken */
> /* # define JoystickSupport YES */
> The :
> # define CppCmd                 cpp-3.2
> Not being found in the patch. I suppose we want to build with cpp-3.3
> also, right ?

Umm, no. We want to build with cpp-3.2, because cpp-3.3 doesn't process text,
and it should be appled by patch #001b or such. Are you *sure* all the patches
are getting applied?

> I will try to fix this, and provide a corrected patch, and see if it
> fails further down. 

The patch is correct.

> BTW, what is the prefered way of handling this kind of stuff ? Using
> debian-x, mail to Branden directly, or perhaps to the X task force ?

debian-x is the best way to reach the XSF, yes.

Daniel Stone                                              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
http://www.kde.org - http://www.debian.org - http://www.xwin.org
"Configurability is always the best choice when it's pretty simple to implement"
  -- Havoc Pennington, gnome-list

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