On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 02:51:07AM +0200, Eduard Bloch wrote:
> > > Option "SWcursor" is only needed in a minority of cases as well (and
> > > then it's a driver bug which should simply be fixed), but you even want
> Of course it is a driver but, but not giving it a chance to appear is
> IMO a better way to go.

It's an easy enough option to support, and as I understand it, the new
cursor extensions that Keith Packard has authored may make more people
want to use software cursors, so at this point I'm leaning towards
having it as a low-priority question.  The logic for supporting it is
not complex, which helps.

> > I'd imagine it's pretty simple; Eduard has been personally affected by
> > buiggy hardware cursors, but has never had to use UseFBDev.
> Exactly. The only case I ever had to use UseFBDev was Rage128 video
> cards that simple required that option if any kind of framebuffer was
> enabled. And yes, these experiences are not sufficient for any kind of
> confidence-intervall in real statistics, but IMO they are (in
> combination with monitoring _user_ channels and mailing list) good
> enough to estimate the potential problems of our users.

I think you underestimate how widely ATI Rage 128-based video chipsets
are used.

> > Eduard has a tendency to extrapolate his personal experiences to
> > universal applicability, which is why he accuses other Debian Developers
> > of violating the Social Contract when they don't fix bugs the way he
> > wants them fixed.
> I see, you do never forget anything. And when you have found something
> universal to bother your enemy, you use it again and again and again.

I forget many things (mainly due to mental bit rot), but I certainly
have not forgotten be accused by you of breaching my duties to the
Project and to our users for refusing to become a mindless servant of
your will with respect to a bug that irritated you.

I am perfectly willing to forgive such a thing, if you're willing to
acknowledge that it was an instance of bad judgement, and to refrain
from doing it in the future.

But as far as I can tell you continue to feel completely justified in
your past and present accusations.  It makes no sense to absolve someone
of an action that they don't feel is sinful, to use a religious metaphor.

> Reminds me somehow on the tactics that children in the basic school use
> very often but your age should be behind that.

I generally don't forget about attacks upon my character.  If you think
it's childish of me not to respond to assaults on my integrity, then I
guess I'll have to accept whatever epithet it is you're dishing out

Whether we can work together has much more to do with you than it does

> > There are several good ideas in the patch, though, and I will
> > incorporate some of them when I rewrite xserver-xfree86.config.in.
> I hoped this while writting the thing. I did not expect to work together
> with you (too jerky, too complicated, too depressing) but push the
> development in the right direction.

Whether we can work together has much more to do with you than it does
me.  You'll get acknowledgement for your contributions irrespective of
the shrillness of your personal criticisms of me.  See, for example, the
changelog entry of xfree86 4.2.1-10.

That's my idea of professionalism.  Your mileage may vary.

> And if you feel compelled to make jokes about my vocabulary, go ahead,
> nobody can stop you. Just remember that it is seen as impolite in many
> parts of the world.

Your hostility and self-righteousness are far more apropos targets of
humor than your vocabulary.

G. Branden Robinson                |      There's no trick to being a
Debian GNU/Linux                   |      humorist when you have the whole
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |      government working for you.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |      -- Will Rogers

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