retitle 211361 [vmware]: module broken on 4.1.0-16woody1
tags 211361 = patch woody moreinfo
severity 211361 important
thanks mate

On Wed, Sep 17, 2003 at 01:37:35PM +0200, Bertram Lueckehe wrote:
> i was using vmware_drv.o that is in the debian package xserver-xfree86. I 
> replaced it now by the version you can download from 
> and now it works.
> You should replace the file in the package with the new one from vmware 
> (sourcecode is available) or remove it from the package.

Thanks for your analysis, Bertram - sorry about the incorrect closure of this
bug, I forgot about the new VMware module being open and stuff (this has changed
since the last time I used VMware).

Can anyone confirm whether this bug is woody-only, or whether it also applies to
4.2.x/4.3.x? Until we establish how wide the reach of this bug is, I'm leaving
this as moreinfo.

Thanks for using Debian, and thanks for your analysis.


Daniel Stone                                              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - -
"Configurability is always the best choice when it's pretty simple to implement"
  -- Havoc Pennington, gnome-list

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