On Mon, Sep 22, 2003 at 01:40:37PM +0200, Michel Dänzer wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-09-22 at 13:18, Warren Turkal wrote:
> > On Monday 22 September 2003 05:54 am, Michel Dänzer wrote:
> > > On Mon, 2003-09-22 at 04:11, Warren Turkal wrote:
> > > In the meantime, David Dawes convinced me that this isn't very useful
> > > for the traditional X libraries because pkg-config support for them
> > > can't be relied upon anyway.
> > 
> > The only reason it cannot be relied upon is because XFree doesn't ship the 
> > .pc 
> > files required to take advantage of it. Pkg-config requires the .pc files 
> > to 
> > be installed to use it. This patch  fills that gap. Current autoconf tests 
> > are based on heuristics instead of actual data supplied by these .pc files.
> As David pointed out, shipping them now won't magically make them appear
> in all X11 installtions past and present, so they can't be relied upon.

Warren, I'm going to migrate this pkg-config work over to people/wt for

I don't feel I have a complete understanding of the political *and*
technical ramifications of this change yet, and until I do I don't want
to risk it causing problems for the 4.3.0-1 deployment.

G. Branden Robinson                |    Humor is a rubber sword - it allows
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    you to make a point without drawing
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |    blood.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |    -- Mary Hirsch

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