On Sat, 27 Sep 2003, Branden Robinson wrote:
> What version did you upgrade from?

The version that was previously in Testing.  (I did a
dist-upgrade last week when AJ pushed glibc in.)  Poking
around on snapshot.debian.net makes me think it was 4.2.1-6,
but I'm not positive.  Sorry I can't be more specific.

>  Do you the stuff talked about in
> /usr/share/doc/xfree86-common/NEWS.Debian.gz might have
> had something to do with this?

I think no, but I'm not sure.  (Was that file supposed to
display during the upgrade?  I didn't see it until your
email, though I did skim the debian.Changelog.gz before

To clarify my customization:

I've never followed the recommended procedure for
customizing the file, but just added in the xfstt line by
hand.  It always got clobbered by upgrades, but fixing it by
hand was easy so I never put the energy into learning the
right way.  (And I see now since the checksum doesn't match
with my customization it won't get clobbered in the future,
which is nice.)  I do now have a
/etc/X11/XF86Config-4.dpkg-old file.

Is there any other information I can give you?


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